
Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Conflict Management

East-Central Europe and South Asia

(First version)

Compiled by Péter Dippold



Theory of ethnic conflict
Conflict management and prevention
International aspects of ethnic conflict
Minority rights, human rights
Political aspects of ethnic conflicts
Economic aspects of ethnic conflict
Cultural aspects of ethnic conflict
Historical aspects of ethnic conflict
Constitutional, legal aspects of ethnic conflict
Sociological aspects of ethnic conflict
Anthropological aspects of ethnic conflict
Psychological aspects of ethnic conflict

Conflict-regions and groups in conflict

East-Central Europe in general
Former Soviet Union
Other cases
Hungarians in Central Europe
Gypsies in Europe
Ethnic conflicts in Asia


Theories of ethnic conflicts

Allen, Irving: The language of ethnic conflict. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr. 1983

Banton, Michael: Racial consciousness. New York: Longman 1988.

Breton, Roland J.: Lob der Verschiedenheit. Die Ethnie. (Les ethnies, dt.). Wien: Braumüller 1983. 100 p. (Ethnos. 25)

Centre-periphery structures in Europe. An ISSC workbook in comparative analyses. Ed. by Stein Rokkan. Frankfurt; New York: Campus Verl. 1987. 483 p. (Beiträge zur empirischen Sozialforschung)

Coakley, John.: Approaches to the resolution of ethnic conflict: the strategy of non-territorial autonomy. – International Political Science Review, 15 (1994) 3, 297-314

Coakley, John: Introduction. The territorial management of ethnic conflict. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 1-22.

Coakley, John: The resolution of ethnic conflict. Towards a typology. – International Political Science Review, 13 (1992) 4, 343-358.

Connor, Walker: Ethnonationalism. The quest for understanding. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1994. 234 p.

Deschenes, Jules: Proposal concerning a definition of the term "minority". United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights 1985. 33 p.

Dimitrijeviæ, Vojin: The post-communist apotheois of the nation-state and the old and new minorities. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade 1995. 37-44.

Ermacora, Felix: Nationale Minderheiten – das Definitions-problem. In: Minderheiten im Konflikt. Fakten, Erfahrungen, Lösungskonzepte. Hrsg. von Kurt Müller. Zürich 1993. 34-48.

Ethnic groups and state. Ed. by Paul Brass. London: Croom Helm 1985.

Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation of identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Goteberg: Nordnes 1993. 370 p.

Girasoli, Nicola: National minorities. Who are they? Budapest: Akadémiai 1995. XI, 111 p.

Gosztonyi, Kristóf: Nationalitätenkonflikte in ehemals sozialistischen Ländern. Ein spieltheoretisches Modell. – Osteuropa, 43. (1993) 7, 630-640.

Gurr, Ted Robert: Why minorities rebel: A global analysis of communal mobilization and conflict since 1945. – International Political Science Review, 14 (1993) 2, 161-201.

Hechter, Michael; Debra Friedman; Malka Appelbaum: A theory of ethnic collective action. – International Migration Review, 16 (1982) 2, 412-434.

Hettne, Björn: Dynamics of ethnic conflict. In: Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Göteborg 1993. 68-89.

Hobsbawm, Eric: Qu'est-ce qu'un conflit ethnique? – Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 100 (1993) 51-57.

Kleg, M.: Hate, prejudice and racism. New York: State Univ. of New York Press 1993. 317 p.

LeVine, Robert; Donald T. Campbell: Ethnocentrism. Theories of conflict, ethnic attitudes, and group behaviour. New York: Wiley 1972. IX, 310 p.

Lijphardt, Arend: The power-sharing approach. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 490-509.

McRae, Kenneth D.: Theories of power-sharing and conflict management. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 93-106.

Miles, Robert: Racism. London: Routledge 1989. 158 p.

Nationalismus-Nationalitäten-Supranationalität. Hrsg. von H. A. Winkler und H. Kaelble. Stuttgart: Clett-Cotta 1993.

Pierre-Caps, S.: La Multination. L'avenir des minorités en Europe centrale et orientale. Paris: Odile Jacob 1995.

Rothschild, Joseph: Ethnopolitics. A conceptual framework. New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1981. 290 p.

Rupesinghe, Kumar: Conflict transformation. New York: St. Martin's 1995. 270 p.

Schechla, J.: Ideological roots of population transfer.- Third World Quarterly, 14 (1993) 2, 239-275.

Stark, Joachim: Völker, Ethnien, Minderheiten. Bemerkungen zu etnischen und terminologischen Problemen der Minderheitenforschung – Jahrbuch für Ostdt. Volkskunde, 31 (1989) 1-53.

Staub, E.: The roots of evil: the origins of genocide and other group violence. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. 1989. 336 p.

Steiner, Jürgen: Power-sharing: another Swiss "export product"? In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 107-114.

Studying boundary conflicts. A theoritical framework. Ed. by Sven Tägil (coord.) Transl. by Michael Metcalf. Stockholm: Esselte 1977. 215 p. (Lund studies in international history. 9)

Texts and practices. Readings in critical discourse analysis. [compiled by] Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Malcolm Couthard. London: Routledge, 1995.

Zartman, W.I.: The negotiation process. Theories and applications. Beverly Hills CA: 1978.


Allan, Richard: The failure to recognize minority rights and claims: Political violence/terrorism in the East and West. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO: Westview Pr. 227-250.

Chalk, F.; K. Jonasson: The history and sociology of genocide: analyses and case studies. New Haven CT: Yale Univ. Pr. 1990. 461 p.

Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto: Lexington Books 1990.

The culture of violence. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe and Marcial Rupio. Tokyo: United Nations University Press 1994.

Dissonanzen in Europa. Der Neue Nationalismus und seine Folgen. Hrsg. von Michael Geistlinger. Wien: Braumüller 1994. 194 p. (Ethnos 43.)

Ethnic and religious conflicts. Europa and Asia. Ed. by Peter Janke. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1994. 306 p.

Ethnizität und Gewalt. Hrsg. Thomas Scheffler. Hamburg: Dt. Orient-Inst. 1991. 273 p. (Schriften des Deutschen Orient-Instituts)

Galtung, Johan: Peace by peaceful means. Peace and conflict, development and civilization. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute; London: Sage 1996. 320 p.

Glazer, Nathan; Reed Ueda: Vorurteile und Diskriminierung. Politische Maßnahmen zu ihrer Einschränkung. – Einwanderung, Integration, ethnische Bindung. Harvard Encyclopedia of American ethnic groups. Eine dt. Auswahl. Hrsg. von Donata Elschenbroich. Basel. Frankfurt/Main 1985. 53-79.

Grass, G.: On loss. – Dissent, 40 (1993) 2, 178-188.

Heckmann, Friedrich: Ethnos, Demos und Nation, oder woher stammt die Intoleranz des Nationalstaates gegenüber ethnischen Minderheiten. In: Minderheitenfragen in Südosteuropa. München, 1992. 9-36.

Hewitt, Christopher: Consequences of political violence. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1993. 144 p.

Homer-Dixon, T. F: Environmental scarcities and violent conflict. Evidence from cases. – International Security, 19 (1994) 1, 5-40.

Ignatieff, Michael: Blood and belonging. Journeys into the new nationalism. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux 1993. 263 p.

Krippendorff, Ekkehart: Minority, violence and peace research. – Journal of Peace Research, 16 (1979) 1, 27-40.

Lemberg, Hans: "Ethnische Säuberung". ein Mittel zur Lösung von Nationalitätenproblem? – Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte. 46 (1992) 27-38.

Markefka, Manfred: Vorurteile - Minderheiten – Diskriminierung. E. beitr. zum Verständnis sozialer Gegensätze. 5., überarb. Aufl. Neuwied; Darmstadt: Luchterhand 1984. XI, 100 p.

Olzak, Susan: The political context of competition: lynching and urban racial violence, 1882-1914. – Social Forces, 69 (1990) 2, 395-421.

Patterson, Orlando: Ethnic chauvinism. The reactionary impulse. New York: Stein and Day 1977. 347 p.

Pesiè, Vesna: The cruel face of nationalism. – Journal of Democracy, 4 (October 1993) 4.

Race and ethnic conflict. Contending views on prejudice, discrimination, and ethnoviolence. Ed. by Fred L. Pincus, Howard J. Ehrlich. Boulder: Westview Press 1994. XV, 408 p. ill.

Rubinstein, Robert A.: Collective violence and common security. In: Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed. by Tim Ingold. London; New York 1994. 983-1223.

Scheffler, T.: Ethnoradikalismus: Zum Verhältnis von Ethnopolitik und Gewalt. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard. Seewann München 1995. 9-47.

Schlesinger, Philip: Media, state and nation. Political violence and collective identities. London: Sage 1991. IX, 202 p. (Media, culture and society series)

Tilly, Charles: Revolutions and collective violence. In: Handbook of Political Science. Ed. by Greenstein and Polsby. Reading 1975. 3. 483-555.

Waldmann, Peter: Ethnischer Radikalismus. Ursachen und Folgen gewaltsmer Minderheitenkonflikte am Beispiel d. Baskanlandes, Nordirland u. Quebec. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verl. 1989. 437 p.

Walzer, Michael: Exclusion, injustice, and the democratic state. – Dissent, 40 (1993) 1, 55-64.

Warren, K. B.: The violence within. Cultural and political opposition in divided nations. Oxford: Westview Press 1993. 262 p.

Conflict management and prevention

Antiracist strategies. Ed. by A. X. Cambridge, S. Feuchtwang. Aldershot: Avebury 1990. X, 162 p.

The art of conflict prevention. Ed by. Werner Bauwens and Luc Reychler. London: Brassey's 1994 XIV, 218 p.

Azard, Edward E.: The management of protracted social conflict. Theory and cases. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1990. 157 p.

Bisno, Herb: Managing conflict. Newbury Park CA: Sage 1988.

Brunner, Georg: Minderheitenkonflikte. Bestandsaufnahme u. Lösungsansätze. – Ethnos – Nation, 1 (1993) 2, 33-48.

Burton, John; F. Dukes: Conflict: practices in management, settlement and resolution. New York: St. Martin's 1990.

Calic, Marie-Janine; Volker Perthes: Krieg und Konfliktlösung in Bosnien und Libanon: ein Strukturvergleich. – Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, (1995) 2, 141-156.

Chayes, Abram; Felice D. Gaer; David J. Scheffer; George E. Morris: Conflict prevention for a new century – Proceedings of the Eighty-Eight Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, (1994) 88, 142-162.

Coakley, John: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. London: Frank Cass 1994. 230 p. (Regions and regionalism series 2.)

Conflict resolution. Cross-cultural perspectives. Ed. by Kevin Avruch, Peter W. Black, and Joseph A. Scimecca. New York: Greenwood Press 1991. X., 244 p. (Contributions in ethnic studies 28)

Constructive conflict management. Asia-Pacific cases. Ed. by Fred E. Jandt and Paul B. Pedersen. London: Sage 1996. 336 p.

Farley, John E.: Majority-minority relations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall 1982. XII, 451 p.

Greco, E.: The role of the conflict prevention centre in the security system of the CSCE. – Helsinki Monitor 5 (1994) 1, 1-15.

Hamburg, David: Ethnische Konflikte. Ursachen, Eskalation und präventive Vermittlung. – Europa-Archiv, 48 (1993) 4, 117-122.

Horowitz, Donald L.: Ethnic conflict management for policymakers. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 115-130.

Horowitz, Donald L.: Making moderation pay: The comparative politics of ethnic conflict management. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 451-476.

Hurlburt, H.: A "Gesamtkonzept" for conflict management: bringing capabilities into line with exigencies. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 3, 55-62.

Hurlburt, H.: CSCE conflict resolution in practice. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 25-38.

International conflict resolution. Theory and practice. Ed. by Edward E Azar, John W. Burton. Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books 1986.

Kuper, Leo: The prevention of genocide: cultural and structural indicators of genocidal threat. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 12 (1989) 2, 157- 173.

Lucas, M. R.: Minority rights and conflict management: developments in the CSCE and their-institutional context. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München (1995) 243-281.

Managing ethnic conflict. The Kona Statement. Princeton, NJ: Project on Ethnic Relations, 1994. 12 p.

McRae, K. D.: Conflict and compromise in multilingual societies. Belgium. Waterloo: Wilfrid Lauriel University Press 1986.

Meyer, Berthold: Erst die Spitze eines Eisbergs. KSZE-Konfliktmanagement und nationale Minderheiten. Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Frankfurt am Main: HSFK 1992. V, 40 p. (HSFK-Report. 1992, 8)

Minderheiten im Konflikt. Fakten, Erfahrungen, Lösungskonzepte. Hrsg. von Kurt Müller. Zürich: Verl. Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1993. 200 p.

Minorities in politics. International symposium on national minorities in Central Europe. (Bratislava): Czecho-Slovak Comm. of the European Cultural Foundation 1991. 55 p.

Navaratna-Bandara, Abeysinghe M.: The management of ethnic secessionist conflict. The big neighbour syndrome. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1995.

Nordlinger, Eric A.: Conflict regulation in divided societies. Cambridge: Harvard Center for International Affairs, 1972.

Pero, Nicolai N.: Can dezentralization solve Russia's ethnic problems? In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 185-206.

The politics of ethnic conflict regulation. Ed. by John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary. London: Routledge 1993. X, 321 p.

Rabie, Mohamed: Conflict resolution and ethnicity. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994. VIII, 229 p.

Reiterer, A. F.: Ethnisches Konfliktmanagament in Österreich: Burgenland und Kärnten. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard. Seewann. München 1995. 332-345.

Resolving ethnic conflicts. – International Political Science Review, 13 (1992) 4, 343-456.

Ross, Marc Howard: Managing disputes constructively. Interests, interpretations and disputing in comparative perspective. New Haven: Yale University Press 1993.

Ross, Marc Howard: The language of success and failure in ethnic conflict management. In: Conflict and change. Ed by Valerie Morgan. New York 1995.

Rothman, Jay: From confrontation to cooperation. Resolving ethnic and regional conflict. Jay Rothman. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage 1992. XIV, 247 p. (Violence, cooperation, peace)

Rupesinghe, Kumar: The role of non-governmental organization in early warning and conflict resolution. In: Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Göteborg 1993 353-370.

Seiler, Daniel-Louis: Inter-ethnic relations in East Central Europe. The quest for a pattern of accomodation. – Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 26 (1993) 4, 352-366.

Stieger, Cyrill: Osteuropa nach dem kommunistischen Zusammenbruch. – Minderheiten im Konflikt. Fakten, Erfahrungen, Lösungskonzepte. Hrsg. von Kurt Müller. Zürich 1993. 69-79.

Wentzel, Sondra: Schutz und Unterstützung ethnischer Minderheiten. E. Handlungsrahmen. Gelsenkirchen: Müller 1984. V, 177 p. Gemeinschaftsausg. mit: Ges. für Bedrohte Völker.

Winai-Ström, Gabriele: Resolution of ethnic conflict. In: Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Göteborg 1993. 333-352.

International aspects of ethnic conflict

The anthropology of war and peace. Perspectives on the nuclear age. Ed by P. Turner and D. Pitt. Granby, Mass.: Bergin & Garvey, 1989.

Arday, Lajos: Majority versus minority: autonomy schemes and security risks in Central and Southeastern Europe. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 54-69.

Baimbridge, Mark; Brian Burkitt; Mary Macey: The Maastricht Treaty: exacerbating racism in Europe. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17 (1994) 3, 420-441.

Balogh, András: National minorities and international security. – Review of International Affairs, 44 (1994) 1023, 24-27.

Banks, Michael: Conflict in world society. A new perspective on international relations. New York: St. Martin's 1984.

Banton, Michael: International action against racial discrimination: a briefing paper. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 14 (1991) 4, 545-556. p.

Benitez, Jorge: Ethnic conflict sourcebook. Cambridge, Mass.: Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis 1993.

Border and territorial disputes. Ed. by Alen J. Day. 2. ed. (Harlow, Essex): Longman (1987) X, 452 p. (A Keesing's reference publication)

Bricke, Dieter W.: Minderheiten im östlichen Mitteleuropa. Deutsche und europäische Optionen. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges. 1995. 196 p. (Aktuelle Materialen zur internationalen Politik. 38)

Brown, J. F.: Nationalism democracy and security in the Balkans. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1992. 205 p. (A RAND research study)

Brunner, Georg: Minority problems and policies in East-Central Europe. In: East European Security Reconsidered. Ed. J. R. Lampe, D. N. Nelson, R. Schönfeld. 1993. 145-154.

Carment, David: The international dimensions of ethnic conflict. Concepts, indicators and theory. – Journal of Peace Research, 30 (1993) 2, 137-150.

Carment, David; Patrick James: Internal constraints and interstate ethnic conflict. Toward crisis- based assessments of irredentism. – The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39 (1995) 1, 82-109.

Chaszar, Edward : The international problem of national minorities. Indiana, PA: Indiana Univ. of Pennsylv. 1991. 112 p.

Chigas, D.: Bridging the gap between theory and practice: the CSCE high commissioner on national minorities – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 3, 27-41.

Esman, Milton J.: Ethnic actors in international politics. – Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 1 (1995) 1, 111-125.

Esman, Milton J.: Ethnic pluralism and international relations. – Canad. Rev. Stud. Nationalism, 17 (1990) 83-93.

Ethnic conflict and international security. Ed. by. Michael E. Brown. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Univ. Pr. 1993. IX, [II], 276 p.

Ethnic conflict in world politics. Ed. by Ted Robert Gurr and Barbara Harff. Boulder, CO: Westview Press 1994.

Ethnic conflict. Ed. by Charles P. Cozic. San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1995. 107 p. (Opposing viewpoint series)

Ethnic conflict. International perspectives. Ed. by Jerry Boucher and Dan Landis. Newbury Park CA: Sage 1987. 331 p.

The ethnic dimensions in international relations. Ed by Bernard Schechterman and Martin Slann. Greenwood Publishing, 1993.

Ethnic groups in international relations. Ed. by P. Smith. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1991. 352 p.

Facetten des Fremden. Europa zwischen Nationalismus und Integration. Hrsg. von Michael Haerdter. [Nachw. Ulrich Roloff-Momin] Berlin: Argon 1992. 288 p.

Gagnon, V. P. Jr.: Ethnic nationalism and international conflict. The case of Serbia. – International Security, 19 (1994/95) 3, 130-166.

Gelin, E.: Conseil de l'Europe: quels critères d'admission pour les nouveaux états independants? – Revue Politique et Parlementaire, 97 (1995) 978, 28-42.

Gottlieb, Gidon: Nations without states. – Foreign Affairs, 73 (1994) 3, 100-112.

Griffiths, Stephen Iwan: Nationalism and ethnic conflict. Threats to European security. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 1993. VIII, 136 p. (SIPRI research report. 5)

Howard, Michael: Ethnic conflict and international security. – Nations and Nationalism, 1 (1995) 3, 285-295.

Huber, Konrad J.: Preventing ethnic conflict in the new Europe: the CSCE High Commissioner on national minorities. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 285-310.

Huber, Konrad J.: The CSCE and ethnic conflict in the East. – RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 31, 30-36.

Huber, Konrad J.; R. Zaagman: Towards the prevention of ethnic conflict in CSCE. The high commissioner on national minorities and other developments. – International Journal of Group Rights, 1 (1993) 51-58.

International organizations and ethnic conflict. Ed. by Milton J. Esman, Shibley Telhami. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1995. X, 343 p.

Internationalization of ethnic conflict. Ed. by K.M. de Silva and R.J. May. London: Pinter Publishers, 1991. 211 p. (ICES ethnic studies series)

Irredentism and international politics. Ed. by Naomi Chazan. Boulder: Rienner. 1991. IX, 160 p. (Studies in international politics) (Adamantine international studies)

Jalali, Rita; Seymour Martin Lipset: Racial and ethnic conflicts: A global perspective. – Political Science Quarterly, 107 (1992/93) 4, 585-606.

Joffe, J.: The new Europe: yesterday's ghosts. – Foreign Affairs, 72 (1993) 1, 29-43.

Kardos, Gábor: The culture of conflict: Hungary's role in resolving ethnic disputes. – World Policy Journal, 12 (1995) 1, 102-106.

Karkoszka, Andrzej: A call for cofidence-building measures for minorities in Eastern Europe. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO: Westview Pr. 209-225.

Kovrig, Béla: Creating coherence: collective contributions to the political integration of Central and Eastern Europe. In: East European security reconsidered. Ed. J. R. Lampe, D. N. Nelson, R. Schönfeld. 1993. 155-190.

Kux, Stephan: International approaches to the national minorities problem. – Political Quarterly of International Affairs, 1 (1992) 7-26.

Maynes, Charles William: Containing ethnic conflict. – Foreign Policy, 90 (Spring 1993) 3-21.

Minderheiten. Störpotential oder Chance für eine friedliche Gesellschaft? Hrsg. Helmut Fröchling. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges. 1991. 346 p. (Militär, Rüstung, Sicherheit. Bd. 67)

Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO: Westview Pr. 1993. XII, 322 p

Morris-Hale, Walter: Conflict and harmony in multi-ethnic societies. An international perspective. New York : P. Lang, 1996.

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick: Pandaemonium. Ethnicity in international politics. [forew. Adam Roberts]. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr. 1993. XVII, 221 p.

Mrázek, J.: European security and the peaceful settlement of disputes. – Coexistence, 31 (1994) 3, 221-240.

Nonstate nations in international politics. Comparative system analyses. Ed. by Judy S. Bertelsen. New York ; Washington ; London: Praeger 1977. VI, 263 p. (Praeger special studies in international politics and government)

Nowak, Jürgen: Europas Krisenherde. Nationalitätenkonflikte vom Atlantik bis zum Ural. Ein Handbuch. Originalausgabe. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch 1994. 311 p. maps. (Rororo aktuell)

Parvanov, Anton: National question in Bulgarian foreign policy (1878-1989). Historical foundations and contemporary priorities. In: Comparative Balkan parliamentarism. Ed. by Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva. Sofia 1995. 33-50.

Peace accords and ethnic conflicts. Ed. by K. M. Samarasinghe and S. W. R. de Silva. London; New York: Pinter 1993. X, 208 p. (ICES ethnic studies series)

Peeters, Yvo J. D.: Die europäischen Institutionen und die Forderungen der ethnischen und sprachlichen Minderheiten. – Europa Ethnica, 39 (1981) 2, 50-60.

Ramet, S. P .: The Yugoslav crisis and the West. Avoiding "Vietnam" and blundering into "Abyssinia". – East European Politics and Societies 8 (1994) 1, 189-219.

Rosenburg, Dominique: Les minorités nationales et le défi de la sécurité en Europe. New York: Nations Unies 1993. (UNIDIR Travaux de recherche 21)

Ryan, Stephen: Ethnic conflict and international relations. Aldershot: Dartmouth 1990. XXVIII, 200 p.

Ryan, Stephen: Ethnic conflict and the United Nations. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 13 (1990) 1, 25-49.

Searching for moorings. East Central Europe in the international system. Ed. Jeffrey Laurenti. (New York): (UNA-USA) 1994. X, 133 p.

Sierpowski, Stanislaw: Minorities in the system of the League of Nations. In: Ethnic groups in international relations. Ed. by P. Smith. Dartmouth 1991. 13-38.

The social dynamics of peace and conflict. Culture in international security. Ed by Robert A. Rubinstein and M. L. Foster. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988.

Stanovcic, V.: Problems and options in institutionalizing ethnic relations. – International Political Science Review, 13 (1992) 4, 359-379

Stavenhagen, Rodolfo: Ethnic conflicts and their impact on international society. – International Social Science Journal, 127 (1991) 117-131.

Stofft, William A; Gary L. Guertner: Ethnic conflict. Implications for the Army of the future. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College 1994. V, 19 p.

Trifunovska, S.: Multilateral response to ethnicity, nationalism and racism in contemporary Europe. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 4, 79-95

Troebst, Stefan: Präventive Friedenssicherung durch internationale Beobachtermission: Das Beispiel der KSZE-Spillover-Monitormission in Makedonien 1992-1993. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 282-331.

Weiner, Myron: Affirmative action. The international experience. – Development and Democracy, (1993)

Weiner, Myron: Peoples and states in a new ethnic order? – Third World Quarterly, 13 (1992) 2, 317-333.

Wille, P. F.: Minority questions in the Council of Europe. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 1, 26-31.

Minority rights, human rights

Alfredsson, G.; D. Turk: International mechanism for the monitoring and protection of minorities rights. Their advantages, disadvantages and interrelationships. In: Monitoring human rights in Europe. Ed. by A. Bloca. Dordrecht 1992. 169-186.

Alfredsson, Gudmundur: Minority rights as a tool to prevent ethnic conflicts. In: Europäische Integration und nationale Rechtskulturen. Hrsg. von Christian Tomuschat, Hein Kötz und Bernd von Maydell. Köln; Berlin; Bonn; München 1994. 219-225.

Alfredsson, Gudmundur; Alfred de Zayas: Minority rights. Protection by the United Nations. – Human Rights Law Journal, 14 (1993) 1-9.

Azcarate, Pablo de: La Société des Nations et la protection des minorités. (Genève): Centre Européen de la Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationale 1969. 103 p.

Baka, András B.: The European Convention on human rights and the protection of minorities under international law. – Connecticut Journal of International Law, 8 (1993) 2, 227-242.

Bíró, Gáspár: Minority rights in Eastern and Central Europe and the role of international institutions. In: Searching for moorings. East Central Europe in the International system. Ed. by Jeffrey Laurenti. New York 1994. 99-127.

Bíró, Gáspár: The international protection of minoriries in the 1990s. – Regio, (Budapest) 1994. 53-75. (Special English language issue)

Blumenwitz, Dieter: Minderheiten- und Volksgruppenrecht. Aktuelle Entwicklung. Kulturstiftung der Deutschen Vertriebenen. Bonn: Kulturstiftung der Dt. Vertriebenen 1992. 192 p. (Forschungsergebnisse der Studiengruppe für Politik und Völkerrecht / Kulturstiftung der Deutschen Vertriebenen. Bd.15)

Bokatola, I. O.: L'organisation des Nations Unies et la protection dés minorités. Bruxelles: UN. 1992.

Brunner, Georg: Der Schutz ethnischer Minderheiten in Osteuropa. – Jahrbuch für Ostrecht, 25 (1984) 9-41.

Capotorti, Francesco: Study on the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. New York: United Nations 1979. VII, 144 p. (UN publications)

Charta des Mindeststandards der Minderheitenrechte, beschlossen auf dem XV. Treffen der Volksgruppen der Nachbarländer am 20.10.1990 in Osijek/Eszek in Kroatien. – Europa Ethnica, 48 (1991) 1, 31-35.

Cholewinski, Ryszard: State duty towards ethnic minorities. Positive or negative? – Human rights Quarterly, 10 (1988) 3, 344-371.

Council of Europe / Europen Commission for Democracy through Law Strasbourg. Proposal for a European convention for the protection of minorities. (Adopted during the 6th meeting, on 8 February 1991) Conseil de l'Europe, Commission Européenne pour la Démocratie par le Droit. Strasbourg: Council of Europe 1991. 13 p. (CDL. 91, 7)

Council of Europe / Parliamentary Assembly / Ordinary Session (42, 1990, Strasbourg.) Recommendation 1134 (1990) on the rights of minorities / Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / 42. Ordinary Session = Recommandation 1134 (1990) relative aux droits des minorités / Assemblée

Council of Europe. Standing Conference of Local and Regional authorities of Europe. Vingt-huitième Session (Strasbourg, 16-18. mars 1993). Projet de rapport sur tsiganes en Europe: Le rôle des autorites locales et régionales. Rapporteurs: MM. Gémesi et O'Brien. CPL (28) 10 Partie 2.21 p.

Cullen, R.: Human rights quandary – Foreign Affairs, 72 (1992-1993) 5, 79-88.

Dailey, E.: Human rights and the Russian armed forces in the "near abroad" – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 11-19.

Dimitrov, Rumen: Sicherheitspolitik und ethnische Konflikte aus bulgarischer Sicht. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 174-199.

Documents on autonomy and minority rights. Ed. by Hurst Hannum. Dordrecht ; Boston ; London: Nijhoff Publ. 1993. XXI, 779 p.

Ermacora, Felix: Der Minderheitenenschutz im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen (The protection of minorities before the United Nations, dt.). (Dt. Übers. d. Vorlesungreihe "The protection of minorities before the United Nations"). Wien: Braumüller 1988. 124 p. (Ethnos. 31) Engl. Ausg.: The protection of minorities before the United Nations. Extract from the Recueil des cours. Vol. 182. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff 1984. 119 p.

Ermacora, Felix: Draft international convention on the protection of national or ethnic groups of minorities : Appendix C. London: Transylvanian World Federation [198?] 12 p.

Ermacora, Felix: Nationalitätenkonflikt und Volksgruppenrecht. Ansätze, Hindernisse für Konfliktverständnis u. Konfliktlösung in d. Vereinten Nationen u. im Europarat. Wien: Braumüller 1978. 187 p. (Ethnos. 15)

Ermacora, Felix; Christoph Pan: Volksgruppenschutz in Europa = Protection of ethnic groups in Europe = Protection des groupes ethniques en Europe = Tutela dei gruppi etnici in Europe; Wien: Braumüller 1995 VI., 407 p. (Ethnos. 46)

Ermacora, Felix; Christoph Pan: Grundrechte der europäischen Volksgruppen = Fundamental rights of ethnic groups in Europe = Droits fondamentaux des groupes ethniques européens; Wien: Braumüller 1993. 232 p. (Ethnos. 42)

Ethnic conflicts and human righs. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe. Oslo: The U. N. University; Norwegian University Press 1988.

Ethnic, social and religious conflict. The rights of minorities Ed. by Alan Phillips. (New Delhi): Minority Rights Group 1991. 53 p.

Fawcett, James: The international protection of minorities. London: Minority Rights Group. 20 p., Ill. (Report/Minority Rights Group. 41)

Fédéralisme, régionalisme et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe = Föderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht in Europa. Ed. by Franz Hieronymus Riedl and Theodor Veiter. Wien: Braumüller (1989) XIII, 521 p.

Gerdes, Dirk: Minderheitenschutz – eine internationale Rechtsnorm auf der Suche nach ihrem Gegenstand. – Vereinte Nationen, 28 (1980) 4, 126-131.

Gheorghe, Nicolae; Thomas Acton: Dealing with multiculturality: minority, ethnic, national and human rights. – CSCE ODIHR Bulletin, 3 (1994) 1, 28-40.

Gütermann, Christoph: Minderheitenschutzverfahren des Völkerbundes. Berlin: Duncker u. Humblot 1979. 360 p. (Schriften zum Völkerrecht. 63)

Halperin, Morton H: Self-determination in the new world order. Washington, D. C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1992) XIV, 178 p.

Hannum, Hurst : Autonomy, sovereignty, and self-determination. The accomodation of conflicting rights. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr. 1992. X, 503 p.

Harris, M.: Human rights monitoring and the CSCE: a perspective from Budapest. – Helsinki Monitor, 6 (1995) 1, 18-22.

Hasanbegoviæ, Jasminka: The right of self-determination of peoples and human rights. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade 1995 127-130.

Heintze, Hans-Joachim: Selbstbestimmungsrecht und Minderheitenrechte im Völkerrecht. Herausforderungen an d. globalen und regionalen Menschenrechtsschutz. Baden-Baden: Nomos [1994] 254 p. (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden. 85)

Hillgruber, Christian; Matthias Jestaedt: Die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention und der Schutz nationaler Minderheiten. [Bonn]: Kulturstiftung der deutschen Vertriebenen [1993]. 134 p. (Forschungsergebnisse der Studiengruppe für Politik und Völkerrecht. 17)

Íjgyártó, István: Codification of minority rights. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 273-284.

Iliæ, Zagorka: Report of the openended working group set up by the Commission on Human Rights to consider the drafting of a declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights 1986. 7 p. + 2 Annex.

The International Bill of Rights. The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Ed. Louis Henklin, New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1981. X, 523 p.

Koch, Koen: The international community and forms of intervention in the field of minority rights protection. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 253-272.

Konovalov, Alexander; Dmitri Evstafiev: The problem of ethnic minority rights protection in the newly independent states. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 157-183.

Kusy, Miroslav: Minority rights and nationality problems in Slovakia. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 200-211.

Kymlicka, Will: Multicultural citizenship. A liberal theory of minority rights. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. 1995. VII, 280 p.

Lador-Lederer, J. J.: Mobilität im Sprachgebrauch – ein Menschenrecht? – Europa Ethnica, 42 (1985) 1, 16-19.

The legislative and institutional framework for the national minorities of Romania. Ed. Irina Moroianu-Zlãtescu and Ioan Oancea. Bucureºti: Romanian Institute for Human Rights 1994. 174 p

The Leningrad minority rights conference. Papers. Ed. by Helen Krzig, Natalia Yukhneva. Copenhagen: The Minority Rights Group Danmark 1991. 164 p.

Lerner, N.: Group rights and discrimination in international law. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhof 1990. XIV, 181 p.

Linguistic rights of minorities = Droits linguistiques des minorités. Ed. by Frank Horn. Rovaniemi: Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law at the Univ. of Lapland 1994 366 p. (Juridica Lapponica 9)

McIntosh, Mary; Martha Abele Mac Iver: Minority rights and majority rule. Ethnic tolerance in Romania and Bulgaria. – Social Forces, 73 (1995) 3, 939-968. 4 charts, 1 diagram.

Menschenrechte und kulturelle Identität. [ein Symposion]. Hrsg. Walter Kerber [Otfried Häffe] München: Kindt 1991. 216 p. (Fragen einer neuen Weltkultur. Bd. 8)

Menschenrechte. Volksgruppen. Regionalismus. Hrsg. von Franz Hieronymus Riedl. Wien: Braumüller (1982) IX, [II], 282 p.

Mészáros, I.: The regulation of ethnic minority rights in Hungary. - Vers Une Nouvelle Europe? Bruxelles 1992. 331-335.

Das Minderheitenrecht europäischer Staaten. Hrsg von Jochen A. Frowein, Rainer Hoffmann. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer Verl. (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht. 108) (Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg) Teil 1. 1993. XIII, 536 p.

Minderheitenschutz in Europa. Vorträge u. Diskussionbeitr. auf d. Arbeitstagung am 12./13. Okt. 1984 in Würzburg. Dt. Sektion d. Internat. Juristen-Komm. Mit Beitr. von Georg Brunner. Heidelberg: Müller, Jurist. Verl. 1985. VIII, 155 p. (Rechtsstaat in der Bewährung. 17)

Les minorités à l'âge de l'Etat-nation. Groupement pour les Droits des Minorités. Paris: Fayard 1985. 323 p. (Géopolitiques et stratégies)

Minorities and autonomy in Western Europe. [London]: Minority Rights Group 1991. 32 p.

Minorities. A question of human rights? Ed. by Ben Whitaker. Oxford; New York; Toronto: Pergamon Press (1986) V, 131 p. With an introd. by Roland Oliver.]

Minority rights in Europe: The scope for a transnational regime. Ed. by Hugh Miall. London: Pinter 1994. 120 p.

Modeen, Tore: The international protection of national minorities in Europe.Turku: Åbo Akademi 1969. 182 p. (Acta Academiae Åboensis. Ser. A. 37)

Moens, Gabriel: Die Formen des innerstaatlichen Minderheitenschutzes. – Europa Ethnica, 32 (1975) 1, 2-8.

Myntti, Kristian: The protection of persons belonging to national minorities in Finland. Helsinki: The Advisory Board for Int. Human Rights Affairs 1991. 33 p.

Oxenknecht, Renate: Der Schutz ethnischer, religiöser und sprachlicher Minderheiten in Art. 27 des Internationalen Paktes über Bürgerliche und Politische Rechte vom 16. Dezember 1966. Frankfurt am Main; Bern; New York: Lang 1988. 228 p. (Schriften zum Staats- und Völkerrecht. 29)

Peoples and minorities in international law. Ed. Catherine Brölmann, René Lefeber and Marjoleine Zieck. Dordrecht; Boston; London: Nijhoff Publ. 1993. XIII, 364 p.

Petriè, Ernest: Samoodloèba manj¹in – pravica do odceptive – vastvo manj¹in (s posebnim ozirom na predlog Deklaracije OZN o pravicah manj¹in). – Razprave in Gradivo, 13 (1981) 14, 67-83. [Engl. Res.:] The Selfdetermination of Minorities – The Right to Secession – The Protection of Minorities (with Special Regard to the UNO Draft Declaration on the Rights of Minorities).

Principes fondamentaux d'un droit européen des communautés ethniques (adoptés par le Congrès des nationalités européennes à Genève, le 18 mai 1985) = Basic principles of the European rights of ethnic groups (adapted by the European Nationalities' Congress in Geneva, 18th May 1985) = Haupt– Grundsätze für ein Europäisches Volksgruppenrecht. – Europa Ethnica, 42 (1985) 2/3, 153-157.

Protection of ethnic minorities. Comparative perspectives. (Held in Toronto). Ed. by Robert G. Wirsing. New York; Oxford; Toronto: Pergamon Press 1981. XII, 375 p. (Pergamon policy studies on international politics) (Papers presented at the Annual Conference of the International Studies Association. 1979)

The protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities in Europe. Ed. John Packer and Kristian Myntti.Turku: Åbo Akademi Univ. Inst. for Human Right 1993. 260 p

Quellensammlung zum Entwurf einer Charta der Volksgruppenrechte. = Collection of sources to the draft of a charter of rights for ethnic groups. [für d. Debatte im Ausschuß für Recht u. Bürgerrechte d. Europ. Parlaments]. Hrsg. Christoph Pan. Mitarb.: Irene Kustatscher Wien: Braumüller 1994. 163 p. (Ethnos. 44)

Rady, Martyn: Minority rights and self-determination in contemporary Eastern Europe. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade 1995. 45-50. (also in: Slavonic and East European Review, 71 (1993) 4, 717-728.)

Realities and perspectives of autonomy in the USSR. Proceedings of the International Conference (1991) (Trento): Provincia Autonoma di Trento 1991. 141 p.

Rhodes, Matthew: National identity and minority rights in the constitutions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. – East European Quarterly, 29 (1995) 3, 347-369.

Rickard, Maurice: Liberalism, multiculturalism, and minority protection. – Social Theory & Practice, 20 (1994) 2, 143-170.

Riz, Roland: Die Lokalautonomien zum Schutz sprachlicher Minderheiten in ihrer europäisch Perspektive. – Europa Ethnica, 38 (1981) 4, 151-156.

Rodley, Nigel S.: Conceptual problems in the protection of minorities. International legal developments. – Human Rights Quarterly, 17 (1995) 1, 48-69.

Romania: Enemy of its own people. A report prepared for the CSCE Human Rights Conference in Paris. June 1989. Vienna: The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1989. 66 p.

Ronen, Dov: The quest for self-determination. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press 1979. XIV, 144 p.

Rousso-Lenoir, Fabienne: Minorités et droits de l'homme: l'Europe et son double. Bruylant/LGDJ; Bruxelles; Paris: Axes, 1994. 200 p.

Rönquist, A.: The Council of Europe framework convention for the protection of national minorities. – Helsinki Monitor, 6 (1995) 1, 38-44.

Self-determination in Europe. Proceedings of an International Workshop held at the Akademie Graz, July 5-6, 1989. [Hrsg.:] Konrad Ginther. Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau 1991. 160 p.

Siekmann, R: The linkage between peace and security and human rights in the CSCE process. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 1, 43-51.

Sigler, Jay A.: Minority rights. A comparative analysis. Westport, Conn. ; London: Greenwood Press (1983) X, 245 p. (Contributions in political science. 104)

La situation des droits de l'homme dans le territoire de l'ex-Yougoslavie (2e partie). – La Nouvelle Alternative, (1993) 54-61.

Stavenhagen, Rodolfo: The ethnic question. Conflicts, development, and human rights. Tokyo: The United Nations University 1990. 185 p.

Stopp, Alexander H.: Die Behandlung ethnischer Minderheiten als Gleichheitsproblem. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges. 1994. 165 p. (Nomos-Universitätsschriften: Recht. Bd. 134)

The territorial rights of nations and peoples. Ed. by J. R. Jakobson. Lewingston NY: The Edwin Mellen Pr. 1989.

Thornberry, Patrick: International law and the rights of minorities. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1991. XII, 451 p.

Tichy, Heinz: Die "politisch verbindliche Erklärung" der zentraleuropäischen Initiative über Minderheitenschutz. – Europa Ethnica, 51 (1994) 146-57.

Tichy, Heinz: The basic principles of the European rights of ethnic groups and the European nationalities. Congress in Geneva 1985. – Razprave in Gradivo, 20 (1987) 9-15.

Uden, M.: Human rights monitoring and the CSCE. – Helsinki Monitor, 5 (1994) 2, 81-84.

The United Nation's minority rights declaration. Ed. Alan Phillips and Allan Rosas. 1993 ; Turku: Åbo Akademi Univ. 1993. 132 p.

US. State Department Reports. Annual U. S. Reports. Review Global Human Rights Situation, Country reports on Human Rights Practicies for 1994.

Váli, Ferenc A.: International minority protection from the League of Nations to the United Nations. In: The Hungarians. A divided nation. Ed. by Stephen Borsody. New Haven 1988. 101-115.

Van Dyke, Vernon: Human rights, ethnicity and discrimination. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. 1985. XII, 259 p. (Contributions in ethnic studies. 10)

Várady, Tibor: Collective minority rights and problems in their legal protection: the example of Yugoslawia.- East European Politics and Societies, 6 (1992) 3, 260-282. (Also in Regio, (Budapest) 1994. 76-87. Special English language issue.)

Vasiljeviæ, Vladan A.: State and prospects of human rights in Serbia. In: Serbia between the past and the future. Ed. by Dusan Janjiæ. Belgrade, 1995. 104-113.

Végel, László: The heritage of totalitarianism and minority rights. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade 1995. 112-117.

Veiter, Theodor: Nationalitätenkonflikt und Volksgruppenrecht im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert. Wien: Braumüller 1984. Bd. 1. 340 p. Bd. 2. Dokumente. 111 p. (Ethnos. 15, 1-3.)

Vospernik, Reginald: Der Schutz ethnischer Gemeinschaften im slowenisch-österreichisch-italienischen Grenzraum. In: Féderalisme, régionalisme, et droit des groupes ethniques en Europe. Hommage à Guy Héraud = Föderalismus, Regionalismus und Volksgruppenrecht in Europa. Festschrift für Guy Héraud. Hrsg. von Franz Hieronymus Riedl und Theodor Veiter. Wien 1989. 471-478.

Writings in human and minority rights. Ed. by Frank Horn and Tuula Tervashonka. Rovaniemi: Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law at the Univ. of Lapland 1994. 6, 197 p. (Juridica Lapponica 8)

Political aspects of ethnic conflict

Bowers, Stephen R.: Ethnic politics in Eastern Europe. London: Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism 1992.

Brunner, Georg: Nation-states and minorities in the Eastern part of Europe. – Regio, (Budapest) 1994. 5-38. (Special English language issue)

Bugajski, Janusz: Ethnic politics in Eastern Europe. A guide to nationality policies, organizations, and parties. Armonk, N.Y. ; London: Sharpe 1994. XXVI, 496 p.

Bugajski, Janusz: Nations in turmoil. Conflict and cooperation in Eastern Europe. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993. IX, 260 p. (2nd ed.: 1995.)

Bugajski, Janusz: The fate of minorities in Eastern Europe. – Journal of Democracy, 4. (1993) 4.

Chubin, Shahram: Third World conflicts: trends and prospects. – International Social Science Journal, 127 (1991) 147-161.

Community conflict, partition and nationalism. Ed. by Colin H. Williams and Eleonore Kofman. New York: Routledge 1989. 261 p. ill., maps.

Conflict, development, and NGOs. Ed. by Ranjit Chaudhuri. Calcutta: Best Books 1989. 152 p.

Contemporary minority nationalism. Ed. by Michael Watson. London: Routledge 1990. XI, 227 p.

Deutsch, Karl W.: Tides among nations. New York: Free Press; London: Macmillan 1979. 342 p.

Devetak, Silvo: Ethnic minorities and state-nation. Equality or subjugation. The case of Central-East and South-East Europe. In: Minderheitenfragen in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1992. 53-60.

Devetak, Silvo: The equality of nations and nationalities in Yugoslavia. Successes and dilemmas. Wien: Braumüller (1988) XI, 136 p.

Enloe, Cynthia H.: Ethnic conflict and political development. Lanham [Md.]: University Press of America, 1986. XVII, 282 p.

Ethnic and religious conflicts. Ed. by George Tanham. New York: Crane Russak 1989.

Ethnic autonomy, comparative dynamics. The Americas, Europe and the developing world. Ed. by Raymond L. Hall. New York: Pergamon Press 1979. XXII, 458 p. (Pergamon policy studies on ethnic issue)

Ethnic conflict in the Western world. Ed. by Milton J. Eysman. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Press 1977. 399 p.

Ethnic conflict in the world today. Philadelphia: American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1977. III, 220 p.

Ethnic group and state. Ed. by Paul Brass. Totowa, N.Y.: Barnes and Boble Books 1985. 341 p.

Ethnicity and conflict in a post-communist world. The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe, Peter King, Olga Vorkunova. Hampshire: The Macmillan Press 1992. XX, 276 p. map.

Ethnicity. Identity, conflict and crisis. Ed. by Kumar David, Santasilan Kadirgamar. Hong Kong: Arena Press, 1989. X, 303 p. maps.

Ethnicity and nationalism. Case studies in their intrinstic tension and political dynamics. Marburg: Hitzeroth 1993. 110 p. (Marburger Studien zur neueren Geschichte. Bd. 3)

Europe's new nationalism. States and minorities in conflict. Ed. by Richard Caplan, John Feffer. New York; Oxford: University Press, 1996.

Fischer, Erik: Minorities and minority problems. New York: Vantage Press 1980. XXIV, 475 p.

Fischer-Galaþi, Stephen: National minority problems in Romania. Continuity or change? – Nationalities Papers, 22 (1994) 1, 71-81.

Gurr, Ted Robert: Minorities at risk: A global view of ethnopolitical conflict. Washington, D. C.: United States Institute of Peace Press 1993. XII, 427 p.

Hernaud, Guy: Conflits ethniques en Europe. Genève, 1991.

Hockenos, Paul: Free to hate. The rise of the right in post-communist Eastern Europe. New York; London: Routledge 1993.

Horowitz, Donald L.: Ethnic groups in conflict. Berkely; Los Angeles; London: Univ. of Canada Press 1985. XIV, 697 p.

Horowitz, Donald: Ethnic and nationalist conflicts. In: World security. Ed. by M. Klare. New York: St. Martin's 1991.

Horowitz, Donald: Patterns of ethnic separatism. – Comparative Studies in Society and History, 22 (1981) 2, 65-95.

Internal conflict and governance. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe. New York: St. Martin's Press; Oslo: International Peace Research Institute 1992. XX, 300 p.

Jaeggi, Christian J.: Nationalismus und ethnische Minderheiten. Zürich: Orel Füssli, 1993.

Janjiæ, Dusan: Serbia between an identity crisis and the challenge of modernization. (1987-1994). In: Serbia between the past and the future. Ed. by Dusan Janjiæ. Belgrade 1995. 15-30.

Johnsen, William Thomas: Pandora's box reopened. Ethnic conflict in Europe and its implications. [Carlisle Barracks, Pa.]: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 1994. XVI, 89 p. ill.

Kellas, James G.: The politics of nationalism and ethnicity. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991.

Kende, Péter: Comment gèrer le problème des minorités en Europe Centrale et Orientale? – Notes et Etudes Documentaires, (1992) 13-20.

Kende, Péter: Self-determination in Eastern Europe yesterday and today. – Regio, (Budapest) 1994, 39-52. (Special English language issue)

Kern, Rudolf: Europäische Institutionen und Minderheiten. In: Minderheitenfragen in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1992. 61-78.

Kleine Nationen und ethnische Minderheiten im Umbruch Europas. Ergebnisse der Internationalen Wissenschaftl. Konferenz in Maribor, Slowenien, 3.-5. Febr. 1992 = Petit nations et minorités ethniques dans une Europe en devenir = Small nations and ethnic minorities in an emerging Europe. Ed. by Silvo Devetak, Sergej Flere, Gerhard Seewann. München: Slavica Verl. A. Kovaè 1993. 367 p. (Ethnica et nationes. 1)

Kloss, Heinz: Grundfragen der Ethnopolitik im 20. Jahrhundert. D. Sprachgemeinschaften zwischen Recht und Gewalt. Wien, Stuttgart: Braumüller; Bad Godesberg: Verlag Wiss. Archiv 1969. 624 p. (Ethnos. 7)

Lendvai, Paul: Nemzetiségi konfliktusok Közép- és Kelet-Európában. (Minority conflicts in East-Central-Europe) – Európai Szemle, 5. (1994) 4. 45-54.

Lewis, F.: Reassembling Yugoslavia. – Foreign Policy, (1995) 132-144.

Magocsi, Paul Robert: The end of the nation-state? The revolution of 1989 and the national minorities of East Central Europe. In: Nationen, Nationalitäten, Minderheiten : Probleme des Nationalismus in Jugoslawien, Ungarn, Rumänien, der Tschechoslowakei, Bulgarien, Polen, der Ukraine, Italien und Österreich 1945-1990. Hrsg. von Valeria Heuberger. Wien 1994. 259-68.

Mihok, Brigitte: Ethnostratifikation im Sozialismus, aufgezeigt an den Beispielländern Ungarn und Rumänien. Frankfurt am Main; Bern; New York; Paris: Lang 1990. IV, 334 p. ill. (Ethnien, Regionen, Konflikte. 3)

Minderheiten im östlichen Mitteleuropa: Deutsche und europäische Optionen. Hrsg. von Dieter W. Bricke. Ebenhausen: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik 1994.

Nassmacher, H.: Minderheiten und Regierbarkeit. Erfahrungen aus westlichen Demokratien. – Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 33 (1992) 4, 643-660.

The national question. Nationalism, ethnic conflict, and self-determination in the 20th century. Ed. by Berch Berberoglu. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. IX, 329 p.

National separatism. Ed. by Colin H. Williams. Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press 1982. IX, 317 p.

Nationalism, ethnic conflict, and democracy. Ed. by Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1994. XXX, 146 p. maps. (A journal of democracy book)

Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences; University of Essex 1995. 135 p.

Nationen, Nationalitäten, Minderheiten. Probleme des Nationalismus in Jugoslawien, Ungarn, Rumänien, der Tschechoslowakei, Bulgarien, Polen, der Ukraine, Italien und Österreich 1945-1990. Hrsg. von Valeria Heuberger. Wien 1994.

Nelde, Peter H.; Normand Labrie: Territorialitätskonzepte als Konfliktvermeidungsstrategie. In: Minderheitenfragen in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1992. 89-98.

Newman, Saul: Does modernization breed ethnic political conflict? – World Politics, 43 (1991) 451-78.

Offe, Claus: Ethnic politics in East European transitions. (Center for European Law and Policy). Bremen: ZERP 1993. 41 p. (ZERP-Diskussionspapier. 93, 1) (Papers on East European constitution building. 1)

The politics of ethnicity in Eastern Europe. Ed. by George Klein and Milan Reban. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr. 1981.

Regions in upheaval. Ethnic conflict and political mobilization. Ed. by Sven Tägil. Stockholm: Esselte 1984. 314 p. (Lund studies in international history. 22)

Romania. National, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities. Red. Petru Gavrilescu. [s.l.]: Romanian Institute of International Studies 1993. 39 p.

Roper, Steven D.: The Romanian party system and the catch-all party phenomenon. – East European Quarterly, 28. (1994) 4, 519-532.

Rösel, Jakob: Ethnic nationalism and ethnic conflict. – Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, (1995) 2, 117-130

Scott, J. C.: Resistance without protest and without organization. – Comparative Studies in Society and History, 29 (1987) 3, 417-452.

In search of Central Europe. Ed. by George Schöpflin and Nancy Wood. Cambridge: Polity Pr. 1989.

Soviet nationality policies: ruling ethnic groups in the USSR. Ed. by Henry Huttenbach. London: Mansell 1990. XVI, 302 p.

State and nation in multi-ethnic societies. The breakup of multinational states. Ed. by Uri Ra'anan ... [et al.]. Manchester: Manchester University Press 1991. X, 269 p.

Stolberg, E. M.: Nationalitätenprobleme der ehemaligen Sowjetunion aus chinesischer Sicht. – Osteuropa, 45 (1995) 1, 53-64.

Südosteuropa zu Beginn der neunziger Jahre. Reformen, Krisen u. Konflikte in d. vormals sozialist. Ländern. Hrsg. von Holm Sundhaussen. Red. Peter Brüne. Berlin: Osteuropa-Inst. d. Freien Univ. Berlin ; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Komm. 1993. 244 p. (Multidisziplinäre Veröffentlichungen / Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin. Bd. 4)

Szayna, Thomas S.: Ethnic conflict in Central Europe and the Balkans. A framework and U.S. policy options. Santa Monica, CA : RAND, 1994. XVII, 64 p. maps.

Tambiah, Stanley J.: Ethnic conflict in the world today. – American Ethnologist, 16. (1989) 2, 335-349.

Thomas, Raju G. C.; H. Richard Friman: The South Slav conflict. New York: Garland Pub. 1996. (Garland reference library of social science. 1059; Contemporary issues in European politics. 1)

Volksgruppen im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Souveränität in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Hrsg. von Felix Ermacora. Wien: Braumüller 1993. XI, 343 p. (Ethnos. 40)

Volksgruppen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Georg Brunner u. Hans Lemberg. Baden-Baden: Nomos; München: Südosteuropa-Ges. 1994. 323 p. (Südosteuropa-Studien. 52)

Vukomanoviæ, Dijana: The Serbian national interest in the vicious circle of ethno-nationalism. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade 1995 67-74.

Walzer, Michael: Politik der Differenz. – Transit, 8. (1994) 5-20. (Das Europa der Religionen)

Yamauchi, Masayuki: Lessons in conflict. – Look Japan, 40 (1994) 463, 3-4.

Economic aspects of ethnic conflict

Economic dimensions of ethnic conflict. Ed by S.W.R. de A. Samarasinghe and Reed Coughlan. London: Pinter; New York: St. Martin's 1991. 248 p.

Grobar, Lisa Morris; Shiranthi Gnanaselvam: The economic effects of the Sri Lankan civil war. – Economic Development & Cultural Change, 41 (1993) 2, 395-405.

Hoèevar, Toussaint: Die Sprachminderheiten Südosteuropas aus ökonomischer Sicht. – Österreichische Osthefte, 33 (1991) 2, 221-232.

The political economy of ethnic discrimination and affirmative action. A comparative perspective. Ed by Michael L. Wyzan. New York: Praeger 1990.

Cultural aspects of ethnic conflict

Axt, Heinz-Jürgen: Kampf der Kulturen? – Europäische Rundschau, (1994) 1, 95-108.

Blank, Stephen J.: Conflict, culture, and history. Regional dimensions. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Air University Press [1993] XIX, 300 p.

Cleveland, Harlan: The limits to cultural diversity. – Futurist, 29 (1995) 2, 23-26.

Clignet, Remi: Conflict and culture in traditional societies. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 65-80.

Duryea, Michelle LeBaron; J. Bruce Grundison: Conflict and culture. Research in five communities in Vancouver, British Columbia Victoria: UVic Institute for Dispute Resolution 1993. XXIV, 214, [47] p.

Ethnic minority media. An international perspective. Ed. by Stephen Harold Riggins. London: Sage 1992. 298 p. (Communications and human values)

Ethnic mobilisation in a multi-cultural Europe. Ed. John Rex and Beatrice Drury. Avebury : Aldershot 1994. 178 p.

Friesen, John W.: When cultures clash. Case studies in multiculturalism. Calgary, Alta.: Detselig Enterprises 1993. 208 p.

Hill, Peter: Mehrsprachigkeit in Südosteuropa. – Z. Balkanologie, 26 (1990) 123-141.

Ignatow, A.: Der "Eurasismus" und die Suche nach einer neuen russischen Kulturidentität. – Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, 1-46 (1992)

Kukathas, Chandran: Are there any cultural rights? – Political Theory, 20 (1992) 105-39. Reply from Will Kymlicka: The rights of minority cultures. Reply to Kukathas. – ibid. 20 (1992) 140-146.

Levinson, David: Aggression and conflict. A cross-cultural encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1994. VIII, 234 p. ill. (Encyclopedias of the human experience)

Loenhoff, Jens: Interkulturelle Verständigung. Zum Problem grenzüberschreitender Kommunikation. Opladen: Leske u. Budrich 1992. 260 p.

Mullard, Chris: Pluralism, ethnicism and ideology. Implications for a transformative pedagogy. Amsterdam 1986. 28 Bl. (Centrum voor Etnische Studies, Amsterdam: CRES publication series. Working paper. 2)

Peace and war: Cross-cultural perspectives. Ed. by M. L. Foster and R. Rubinstein. New Brunswick: Transaction Books 1986.

The politics of territorial identity. Studies in European regionalism. Ed. by Stein Rokkan and Derek W. Urwin. London: Sage Publ. 1982. 438 p., maps.

Relations between cultures. Ed. by George F. McLean and John Kromkowski. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy 1991. X, 396 p. ill. (Cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series I, Culture and values. 4)

Rhoodie, Eschel M.: Cultures in conflict. A global survey of ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious, and nationalist factors. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1993.

Ross, Marc Howard: The culture of conflict. Interests, interpretations and disputing in comparative perspective. New Haven: Yale University Press 1993.

Seiler, Daniel-Louis: Inter-ethnic relations in East Central Europe. – Communist and Post-Communist Studies 26 (1993) 4, 352-366.

Smith, Anthony D.: Social and cultural conditions of ethnic survival. – Razprave in Gradivo 21 (1988) 15-26.

Waldron, Jeremy: Minority cultures and the cosmopolitan alternative. – Journal of Law Reform, (Univ. of Michigen) 35 (1992) 751-793.

Wirsing, Robert G.: Cultural minorities. Is the world ready to protect them? – Canad. Rev. Stud. Nat., 7 (1980) 2, 220-243.

Historical aspects of ethnic conflict

Galántai, József: Trianon and the protection of minorities. Boulder, CO: Social Sciences Monogr.; Highland Lakes, N.J.: Atlantic Research and Publ.; New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1992. X, 185 p., (East European monographs. 352) (Atlantic studies on society in change. 70)

Hroch, Miroslav: Linguistic conflicts in Eastern Europe and their historical parallels. In: Ethicity and conflict in a post-communist world. The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe. New York, N.Y; London 1992. 199-208.

Leiman, M. M.: The political economy of racism. A history. London: Pluto Press 1993. 421 p.

Magocsi, Paul Robert : Magyars and Carpatho-Rusyns. On the seventieth anniversary of the foundig of Czechoslovakia. Toronto, 1988. 34 p.

Sfetas, Spiridon: Typology of Balkan nationalism of 19th and 20th century and those of the post communis era. In: Comparative Balkan parliamentarism. Ed. by Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva. Sofia 1995. 13-22.

The social origins of nationalist movements. Ed by John Coakley. London: Sage 1991.

Troebst, Stefan: Aufgaben und Ziele vergleichender historischer Forschung zur ethnischen Struktur und zu den Nationalismen Osteuropas. – Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 33 (1993) 2, 146-156.

Weinerman, Eli: Racism, racial prejudice and Jews in lata Imperial Russia. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 17 (1994) 3, 442-495.

Constitutional and legal aspects of ethnic conflict

Bren, Paulina: Czech restitution laws rekindle Sudeten Germans' grievances. – RFE/RL Reserch Report, 3. (1994) 2, 17-22.

Brunner, Georg: Die Rechtsstellung ethnischer Minderheiten in Südosteuropa. In: Nationalitätenprobleme in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Roland Schönfeld. München 1987. 39-72.

Brunner, Georg: Föderation, Konföderation und Regionalismus in Verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht. – Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 32 (1992) 2, 89-103.

Brunner, Georg: Nationalitätenprobleme und Minderheitenkonflikte in Osteuropa. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung 1993. 143 p. (Strategien und Optionen für die Zukunft Europas : Arbeitspapiere. 10)

Brunner, Georg: Nationalstaat und Selbstbestimmungsrecht – kein Junktim? – Osteuropa, (1993) 10, 907-913.

Gyurcsík, Iván: New legal ramifications of the question of national minorities. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 19-50.

Jajiæ, Branislava: Basic human rights in the constitutional system of Serbia (Yugoslavia). In: Serbia between the past and the future. Ed. by Dusan Janjiæ. Belgrade 1995. 114-121.

Kimminich, Otto: Rechtsprobleme der polyethnischen Staatorganisation. München: Kaiser; Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verl. 1985. 214 p. (Entwicklung und Frieden. Wissenschafliche Reihe. 39)

Kusy, M.: Minority rights and nationality problems in Slovakia. In: Minderheiten Als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 200-211.

Kühn, Angelika: Privilegierung nationaler Minderheiten im Wahlrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Schleswig-Holstens. Frankfurt am Main; Bern; New York; Paris: Lang 1991. XVII, 363 p. (Rechthistorische Reihe. Bd. 82)

Lutovac, Zoran: National minorities and elections. In: Challenges of parliamentarism. The case of Serbia in the early nineties. Ed. by Vladimir Goati. Belgrade 1995. 141-158.

Palley, Claire: Constitutional law and minorities. London: Minority Rights Group. 23 p. (Report / Minority Rights Group. 36)

Racism and criminology. Ed. by Dee Cook and Barbara Hudson. London: Sage 1993. 208 p.

Reiterer, Albert F.: Die politische Konstitution von Ethnizität. In: Minderheitenfrägen in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1992. 37-52.

The Romanian Law on Education. A critical approach from the viewpoint of minorities. [ Budapest] : Minority Protection Association 1996. 67 p. tab., maps.

The Slovak State Language Law and the minorities. Critical analyses and remarks. [Budapest]: Minority Protection Association 1995. 43 p.

Waters, R.: Ethnic minorities and the criminal justice system. Aldershot: Avebury 1990. VIII, 192 p.

Sociological aspects of ethnic conflict

Bourgois, Philippe: La mobilisation ethnique. – Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 99 (1993) septembre, 53-64.

Ethnische Minderheiten in Industriegesellschaften. Hrsg.: Ingrid Haller u. Klaus F. Geiger. Kassel: GhK, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswiss., Migrationssoziologie/Interkulturelles Lernen 1991. IV, 113 p. (GhK, Migrationssoziologie Interkulturelles Lernen, Projekt. 8)

Healey, Joseph F.: Race, ethnicity, gender, and class. The sociology of group conflict and change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, 1995. XXVI, 558 p. ill., maps. (The Pine Forge Press social science library)

Heckmann, Friedrich.: Ethnische Minderheiten, Volk und Nation. Soziologie inter-ethnischer Beziehungen. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1992. X, 279 p. (Flexibles Taschenbuch)

Hroch, Miroslav: Social preconditions of national revival in Europe. A comparative analysis of the social composition of patriotic groups among the smaller European nations. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. 1985.

McGarry, Richard: The subtle slant. A cross-linguistic discourse analysis model for evaluating interethnic conflicts in the press. Boone: Parkway Publishers 1994. 195 p.

Migration und ethnische Mobilisierung. Bevölkerungsverschiebungen in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. – Osteuropa, 43 (1993) 3, A113-A129.

Nagy, Boldizsár; Zoltán Hajtmanszki: Menedék és remény. Magyarország helye a nemzetközi vándorlásban = Asylum and hope. The new role of Hungary in international migration ; Honvágyók. Fényképek menekültekrõl és vándorlókról = Photographs of refugees and wanderers ; Részletek egy elüldözött kamaszlány naplójából = Details from the diary of a persecuted teenager girl. Szerk. Ambrus Ágnes. Budapest: Pelikán 1993. 113 p.

Olzak, Susan: Analysis of events in the study of collective action. – Annual Review of Sociology 15 (1989) 119-141.

Olzak, Susan: The dynamics of ethnic competition and conflict. Stanford, Ca.: Stanford Univ. Pr. 1992. XIII, [I], 271 p.

Rassismus und Migration in Europa. Beiträge des Kongresses "Migration und Rassismus in Europa" Hamburg, 26. bis 30. September 1990. Hamburg; Berlin: Argument 1992. 564 p. (Argument Sonderband. AS 201)

Richmond, Anthony H.: Immigration and ethnic conflict. New York: St Martin's Press 1988. VIII, 218 p. ill.

The sociobiology of ethnocentrism. Evolutionary dimensions of xenophobia, disrimination, racism and nationalism. Ed. by Vincent Falger, Vernon Reynolds and Ian Vine. Athens: University of Georgia Pr. 1987.

Stanovèiæ, Vojislav: Concerning the consociation of ethnic groups. Problems of governing multi-ethnic societies. In: Nationalismus and minorities. Ed. by Michael Freeman, Du¹an Janjiæ, Dragomir Pantiæ. Belgrade 1995. 26-34.

Anthropological aspects of ethnic conflict

The Anthropology of East Europe Review. Special issue. War among the Yugoslavs. Ed. by David A. Kideckel and Joel M. Harper. 11 (1993) 1-2, 135 p.

The Anthropology of Europe. Identity and boundaries in conflict. Ed. by Victoria A. Goddard, Josep R. Llobera, and Cris Shore. Oxford: Berg, 1994. X, 310 p. (Explorations in anthropology)

Anthropological contributions to conflict resolution. Ed. by Alvin Wolfe and Honggang Yang. Athens, GA : The University of Georgia Press, 1996. (Southern Anthropological Society proceedings. 29)

Ethnicity and ressource competition in plural societies. Ed. by Leo A. Despre. The Hague; Paris: Mouton ; Chicago: Aldine Publ. 1975. XII, 221 p. (World anthropology. An interdisciplinary series)

Gallenga, Gh.: Les representations ouvrières de la transition en Roumanie. Etude ethnologique dans une entreprise Transylvaine.– La Nouvelle Alternative, (1993) 49-53.

Key symposium for anthropological contributions to conflict resolution. Atlanta: University of Georgia Press.

Romanucci-Ross, Lola; George De Vos: Ethnic identity. Creation, conflict, and accommodation. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 1996.

Yinger, J. Milton: Ethnicity: source of strengh? Source of conflict? Albany, NY.: State University of New York Pr. 1994. 494 p.

Zdzislaw, M.: Symbols, conflict and identity. Essays in political anthropology. New York: State University of New York Press 1993. 297 p.

Psychological aspects of ethnic conflict

Democratization and ethnic conflict. Summary of two meetings. Ed. by Lois E. Peterson and Sabri Sayari. Panel on Issues in Democratization, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press 1992. 17 p.

Deutsch, Morton; Schula Sichman: Conflict. A social psychological perspective. In: Political psychology. Ed. by Margaret Hermann. San Francisco 1986. 219-250.

Durando, Dario: The rediscovery of ethnic identity. – Telos, (1993) 97, 21-31.

Esman, Milton J.: Political and psychological factors in ethnic conflict. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 53-64.

Fisher, Ronald J.: The social psychology of intergroup and international conflict resolution. New York: Springer 1990.

Kelman, H.: Interactive problem-solving. The uses and limits of a therapeutic model for the resolution of international conflicts. In: The psychodynamics of international relationships. 2. Unofficial diplomacy at work. Ed. by V.D. Volkman, J.V. Montville and D.A. Julius. Lexington MA. 1991. 145-160.

Kelman, Herbert; Stephen P. Cohen: Resolution of international conflict. An interactional approach. In: Psychology of intergroup relations. Ed. by Stephen Worchel and William G. Austin. New York 1986. 323-342.

Kidder, Louise H.; Verna Mary Stewart: The psychology of intergroup relations. Conflict and consciousness. New York; Düsseldorf: McGraw Hill 1975. XV, 128 p.

Language, ethnicity and intergroup relations. [Hrsg.:] Howard Giles. London: Acad. Press 1977. 370 p. (European monographs in social psychology. 13)

Mack, J.: The psychodynamics of victimization among national groups in conflict. In: The psychodynamics of international relationships. 1. Concepts and theories. Ed. by V. D. Volkman, J. V. Montville and D. A. Julius. Lexington MA. 1991. 117-129.

Montville, J. V.: The psychological roots of ethnic and sectarian terrorism. In: The psychodynamics of international relationships. 2. Unofficial diplomacy at work. Ed. by V.D. Volkman, J.V. Montville and D.A. Julius. Lexington MA. 1991. 163-180.

Ross, Marc Howard: Psychocultural interpretation theory and peacemaking in ethnic conflict. – Political Psychology, 16 (1995) 523-544.

Tajfel, Henri: Human groups and social categories. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1981. XIII, 369 p.

Tajfel, Henri: The social psychology of minorities. London: Franklin 1978. 20 p. (Minority Rights Group. Report. 38)

Van Dijk, Teun A.: Elite discourse and racism. London: Sage 1993. 336 p. (Sage series on race and ethnic relations. 6)

Van Dijk, Teun A.: Communicating racism: ethnic prejudice in thought and talk. London; New York: Sage 1987. 435 p.

Volkan, V. D.: An overview of psychological concepts pertinent to interethnic and/or international relationships. In: The psychodynamics of international relationships. 2. Unofficial diplomacy at work. Ed. by V.D. Volkman, J.V. Montville and D.A. Julius. Lexington MA. 1991. 31-46.

Volkan, Vasmik D.: Psychoanalitic aspects of ethnik conflicts. In: Conflict and peacemaking in multiethnic societies. Ed. by Joseph V. Montville. Lexington, MA; Toronto 1990. 81-92.

Conflict-regions and groups in conflict

East-Central Europe in general

Browne, John: The national issue in Eastern Europa and in the Soviet Union in 1988-89. – Plural Society, 20 (1990) 2, 19-30.

Gerrits, André W. M.: Paradox of freedom: the "Jewish question" in postcommunist East Central Europe. In: Minorities: the new Europe's old issue. Ed. by Ian M. Cuthbertson and Jane Leibowitz. Boulder CO. 1993. 99-121.

McGrudden, Christopher; David J. Smith; Colin Brown: Racial justice at work. London: Policy Studies Institute 1991. 301 p.

Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Minority Rights Group 1993. 48 p.

Former Soviet Union

Azerbaijan. Seven years of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. Human Rights Watch/Helsinki. -- New York : Human Rights Watch, 1994. XIV, 118 p. map

Baranovsky, Vladimir: Conflict developments on the territory of the former Soviet Union. – SIPRI yearbook, (1994) 169-204.

Baranovsky, Vladimir: Post-Soviet conflict heritage and risks – SIPRI yearbook, (1993) 131-158.

Bremmer, Ian: Ethnic issues in Crimea. – RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 18, 24-28.

Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Ethnicity and conflict. Ed. by Vitaly V. Naumkin. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press 1994. XIII, 242 p. (Contributions in political science. 339)

Dadrian, Vahakn N.: The history of the Armenian genocide. Ethnic conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. Providence, RI: Berghahn Books 1995.

Dawydow, J. P.: Ethnische Konflikte auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. – Europa Archiv, 48 (1993) 7, 179-192

Denber, Rachel.: Bloodshed in the Caucasus. Escalation of the armed conflict in Nagorno Karabakh. New York: Helsinki Watch, a division of Human Rights Watch 1992.VII, 84 p. map.

Ethnic conflict in the post-Soviet world. Case studies and analysis. Ed. by Leokadia Drobizheva ... [et al.] Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1996.

Ethnic conflict in the Soviet Union. Ed by Charles Tilly and L. Walker. – Theory and Society, 20 (1991) 569-724 .- Special issue.

Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict. The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. Ed. by W. Raymond Duncan and Paul G. Holman Jr. Boulder, Co.: Westview Press 1994. IX, 218 p. maps.

Ex-URSS: les états du divorce. – Notes et Etudes Documentaires, (1993) 1-198.

Frelick, Bill.: Faultlines of nationality conflict. Refugees and displaced persons from Armenia and Azerbaijan. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Committee for Refugees 1994. 44 p. ill., map. (Issue paper)

Fuller, E.: Konflikte im Transkaukasus: Wer könnte vermitteln? – Europa Archiv, 48 (1993) 7, 193-201.

Gabanyi, A. U.: Die Moldaurepublik zwischen Russland, Rumänien und der Ukraine. – Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 35 (1995) 1, 39-56.

Gabanyi, A. U.: Die Moldaurepublik zwischen Wende und Rückwendung. – Südosteuropa, 42 (1993) 3-4, 163-207.

Gehrmann, U.: Das Kosakentum in Russland zu Beginn der neunziger Jahre: Historische Traditionen und Zukunftsvisionen. – Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, (1992) 1-41.

Halbach, Uwe: Ethno-territoriale Konflikte in der GUS. – Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, (1995) 2, 131-140.

Klatt, Martin: Russians in the "Near Abroad". – RFE/RL Reserch Report, 3 (1994) 32, 33-44.

Kushen, Robert.: Conflict in the Soviet Union. Black January in Azerbaidzhan. New York : Human Rights Watch 1991. 51 p.: maps. (A Helsinki Watch/Memorial Report)

Kusin, Vladimir V.: Wie lassen sich die neuen Kriege verhüten? – Europa Archiv, 49 (1994) 16, 470-478.

Lapidus, Gail: Gorbachev's nationalities problem. – Foreign Affairs (1989) Fall, 92-108.

Magocsi, Paul Robert: Die Russinen: Ihr gegenwärtiger Status und ihre Zukunftsperspektiven – Osteuropa, 43 (1993) 9, 809-824.

Magocsi, Paul Robert: Scholarly seminar on the codification of the Rusyn language. – Österreichische Osthefte, 35 (1993) 1, 182-185.

Naudet, J. B.: Comment la Moldavie a perdu la guerre. . . et la Russie risque de perdre la paix. – La Nouvelle Alternative, (1992) 38-41.

Nedelciuc, Vasile: The Republic of Moldova. Moldova, Basarabia, Transnistria. A short history, state organization, national problem,Transnistria conflict. Chisinau: [s.n.], 1992. 142 p.

Olcott, Martha: Gorbachev's national dilemma. – Journal of International Affairs, (1989) 4, 399-422.

Socor, Vladimir: Five countries look at ethnic problems in southern Moldova. – RFE/RL Research Report, 3 (1994) 32, 19-23.

Soldatova, G. U.: The former Checheno-Ingushetia. – Russian Social Science Review, 34 (1993) 6, 52-72.

Wolf, M.: Kasahstandeutsche ohne Zukunft? – Aussenpolitik, 44 (1993) 2, 153-162.


Adanir, Fikret: The Macedonian question. The socio-economic reality and problems of its historiographic interpretation. – Internat. J. Turk. Stud, 3 (1984/86) 1, 43-64.

Les Albanais. Un peuple des Balkans explosifs. – La Nouvelle Alternative, (1994) 3-30.

Die Albaner im Kosovo. Göttingen: Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker 1988. 65 p. (Menschenrechtsreport. 1)

The Albanians and their territories. Tirana: "8 Nëntori" 1985. 494 p., maps. (The Academy of Sciences of the PSR of Albania)

Allain, M. F.; I. Ditchev: Fragile Macedoine. – Le Monde Diplomatique, 42 (1995) 500, 11.

Artisien, Patrick F. R.: A note on Kosovo and the future of Yugoslav-Albanian relations. A Balkan perspective. – Sov. Stud., 36 (1984) 267-276.

Artisien, Patrick F. R.: Albanian nationalism and Yugoslav socialism. The case of Kosovo. – Co-existence, 16 (1979) 173-189.

Artisien, Patrick F. R.; R. A. Howells: Yugoslavia, Albania and the Kosovo riots. – World Today, 37 (1981) 11, 419-27.

From autonomy to colonization. Human rights in Kosovo 1989-1993. [written by Paula Tscherne-Lempiäinen u.a. Ed. by Ursula Ruston]. Vienna: International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights 1993. V, 87 p.

Axt, H. J.: Auf dem Balkan Isoliert. Griechenlands aussen- und sicherheitspolitische Situation nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts. – Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 33 (1993) 3, 242-251.

Axt, H. J.: Mazedonien: Ein Streit um Namen oder ein Konflikt vor dem Ausbruch? – Europa Archiv, 48 (1993) 3, 65-75.

Baskin, Mark: Crisis in Kosovo. – Problems of Communism, 32 (1983) 2, 61-74.

Batakoviæ, Du¹an T.: Kosovo. La spirale de la haine. Les faits, les acteurs, l'histoire. [Lausanne]: Age d'Homme 1993. 88 p.

Bender, Joha Rainer: Die Krisenprovinz Kosovo. E. jugoslaw. Peripherraum im Umbruch. – Z. Balkanol., 20 (1984) 4-24.

Bernath, Mathias: Das mazedonische Problem in der Sicht der komparativen Nationalismusforschung. – Südost-Forschungen, 29 (1970) 237-248.

Biberaj, Elez: Kosova: The Balkan powder keg. London: Research Inst. for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism 1993. 26 p. (Conflict studies. 258)

Bobeva, Daniela: Emigration from and immigration to Bulgaria. In: European migration in the late twentieth century. Historical patterns, actual trends, and social implication. Ed. Heinz Fassmann, Rainer Münz. Aldershot, Laxenburg 1994. 221-237.

Bougarel, Xavier: Bosnie. Anatomie d'un conflit. Paris: La Découverte 1996. 174 p. (Les Dossiers de l'état du monde)

Brown, Janice A.: Losing tolerance. – Christian Century, 111 (1994) 30 972-974. (Focuses on the religious tensions in Bulgaria.)

Bulgaria. Imprisonment of ethnic Turks. Human rights abuses during the forced assimilation of the ethnic Turkish minority. 1. publ. London: Amnesty International 1986. 40 p., maps.

Bulgaria: Continuing human rights abuses against ethnic Turks. London: Amnesty International 1987. 17 p. (External report EUR 15/01/87.)

Bulgarien: Die Rechte und Freiheiten der türkischen Minderheit. Dokumentation von Sabine Riedel. – Südosteuropa, 41 (1992) 131-139.

Burg, Steven L.: Why Yugoslavia fell apart. – Current History, 92 (1993) 577, 357-363. 1 map.

Büschenfeld, Herbert: Kosovo. Nationalitätenkonflikt im Armenhaus Jugoslawiens. Köln: Aulis-Verl. Deubner 1991. 38 p. ill. (Problemräume Europas. 11)

Calic, Marie-Janine: Ethnische Konflikte in Bosnien-Herzegowina – Eine strukturelle Analyse. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995.154-173.

Chiclet, C.: Athènes et Skopje dans l'impasse macedonienne.- Le Monde Diplomatique, 41 (1994) 482, 8.

Chiclet, C.: Grèce: l'enfant terrible de l'Europe. – Politique Internationale, (1995) 231-240.

Cohen, Leonard: Ethnopolitical conflict in Yugoslavia. Elites in Kosovo, 1912-1982. In: Elite studies and communist politics. Essays in memory of Carl Beck. Ed. by Ronald H. Linden and Bert A. Rockman. Pittsburgh; London 1984. 237-291.

Comparative Balkan parliamentarism. Ed. by Lyubov Grigorova-Mincheva. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations 1995. V, 180 p.

Cooper, Robert; Mats Bardal: Outside interventions in ethnic conflict. – Survival, 35 (1993) 1, 118-142.

Costa, Nicholas J.: Kosovo. A tragedy in the making. – East Euroean Quarterly, 21 (1987) 87-97.

Danforth, Loring M.: The Macedonian conflict. Ethnic nationalism in a transnational world. Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press 1995. 273 p.

Debats, J.-P.: Nationalités et groupes ethniques en République Socialiste de Macédoine. – Rev. géogr. Est, 19 (1979) 67-85.

Desolre, G.: La question macedonienne et la poudrière balkanique. – Transitions, 35 (1994) 2, 45-77.

Destroying ethnic identity. The expulsion of the Bulgarian Turks. New York: U.S.Helsinki Watch Committee 1989. 66 p. (A Helsinki watch report)

Dizdarevic, Faik: La Bosnie-Herzégovine: situation et perspectives. – Politique Étrangère, 59 (1994) 1, 171-177.

Dogo, Marco: Kosovo. Albanesi e Serbi: le radici del conflitto. Lungro di Cosenza: Marco 1992. V, 375 p. (L'Ibis. 6)

Dragnich, Alex N.; Slavko Todorovich: The saga of Kosovo. Focus on Serbian-Albanian relations. Boulder: East European Monographs; New York: Columbia Univ. Press 1984. VI, 203 p. 4 maps. (East European monographs. 170)

Eminov, Ali: The status of Islam and Muslims in Bulgaria. – J. Inst. Muslim Minority Affairs, 8 (1987) 278-301. 1 map.

Eminov, Ali: There are no Turks in Bulgaria. In: The Turks of Bulgaria. The history, culture and political fate of a minority. Ed. by K. H. Karpat. Istanbul 1990. 203-222.

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Transylvania. The roots of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Cadzow, Andrew Ludanyi and Louis Éltetõ. Kent OH: Kent State Univ. Pr. 1983. VI, 368 p.

Vermaat, J. A. Emerson: Romania. Resurgent nationalism and anti-Semitism. – Freedom Review, 22 (1991) 6, 28-30.

Vogel, Sándor: Ethnische Konflikte aus ungarischer Sicht. In: Minderheiten als Konfliktpotential in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Gerhard Seewann. München 1995. 212-230.

We are afraid. Possibilities of avoiding and solving ethnic and social conflicts. Conference Material. = Félünk. Etnikai és szociális konfliktusok elkerülésének, feloldásának lehetõségei. Konferencia anyag. Ed. by Nagy Gábor Tamás. Budapest: Humanitas Civitatis Foundation, 1993. 138 p.

Gypsies in Europe

Andrica, Theodore: Tziganiada. – American Romanian Review, 10 (1986) 3-4, 22-25.

Bango, Jenõ: Zigeuner – ein Volk im Werden. In: Die postsozialistische Gesellschaft Ungarns. München 1991. 114-20.

Barany, Zoltán D.: Democratic changes bring mixed blessings for gypsies. – RFE/RL research report, 1 (1992) 20, 40-47.

Barany, Zoltan: Living on the edge. The East European Romania in postcommunist politics and societies. – Slavic Review, 53 (1994) 2, 321-364. (Examines the socio-political and economic situations of the Romanian gypsies in postcommunist Eastern Europe.)

Barany, Zoltan: Minderheiten, Ethnopolitik und die osteuropäischen Roma. – EthnosNation, 2 (1994) 2, 5-18.

Beck, Sam: Tsigani-Gypsies in socialist Romania. Ethnicity, class and public policy. – Gießener Hefte für Tsiganologie, 3. (1986) 109-27.

Berberski, Slobodan: Romi i iredenta na Kosovu. – Na¹e teme, 28 (1984) 1335-1347. [The gipsies and irredentism in Kosovo.]

Binder, Gustav: Über die Zigeuner in Siebenbürgen. – Siebenbürgische Semesterblätter, 1 (1987) 115-126.

Binns, Dennis: A gypsy bibliography. A bibliography of all recent books, pamphlets, articles, broadsheets, theses and dissertations pertaining to gypsies and other travellers that the author is aware of at the time of printing. Manchester: Binns 1982. [108] p.

Breslau, K.; A. Nagorski: The Romani enigma. – Newsweek, (1993) March 1, 38-41.

Bulgarisches Helsinki Komitee. – Südosteuropa, 42 (1993) 3-4, 244-256.

Cartner, Holly: Destroying ethnic identity: The persecution of Gypsies in Romania. New York: Helsinki Watch Committee 1991 (Helsinki Watch Report)

Charlemagne, Jacqueline: Les tziganes d'Europe de l'Est. – Etudes, (1992) janvier, 5-14.

Charlemagne, Jacqueline: Migrations est-ouest, le cas des tziganes. Paris: CERI-Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques 1992.

Charlemagne, Jacqueline: Oů en est le droit des minorités, l'exemple tsigane. – Etudes Tsiganes, 2. (1993) 2, 8-33.

Cigánykérdés a 20. század végi Magyarországon. [ Roma-question in the late 20th century's Hungary] – Regio, 4 (1993) 1, 84-101. – Engl. Res.

Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Motion for a resolution on the situation of gypsies in Europe. Presented by Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6525. 31. October 1991. 1 p.

Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly. Report on Gypsies in Europe. Rapporteur: Mrs. Verspaget. Doc. 6733. 11 January 1993. 19 p.

Council of Europe. Resolution 249 of the Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe. 28th session (16-18 March 1993) Resolution 249 (1993) on gypsies in Europe: the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities. 4 p.

Council of Europe/Parliamentary Assembly/ Ordinary session (44, 1993, Strasbourg) Recommendation 1203 of the Parliamentary Assembly (on Gypsies in Europe). 2 February 1993. 4 p.

Cowell, Alan: Attack on Austrian gypsies deepens fear of neo-Nazis. – New York Times, 144 (1995) 49979, A1 1 map, 1bw.

Crowe, David: The Gypsies in Hungary. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk; London 1991. 117-132.

Crowe, David: The Gypsy historical experience in Romania. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk; London 1991. 61-80.

Crowe, David: The Roma of Hungary through the Kadar era. – Nationalities Papers, 19 (1991) 3, 297-311.

Csalog, Zsolt: Le problème des Tziganes en Hongrie. – L'autre Europe, 10 (1986) 8, 83-97.

CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. Report on Roma/Gypsies in the CSCE Region, 21-23 Septembre 1993.

Degrange, Michel: Stéréotypes et dictionnaires. – Ét. tsig, 20 (1974) 1, 7-16.

Destroying ethnic identity. The persecution of gypsies in Romania. [The Helsinki Watch Committee, Human Rights Watch. The report was written by Holly Cartner ]. New York, NY; Washington, DC: Human Rights Watch 1991. 125 p. (A Helsinki Watch Report. Sept. 1991)

Les familles Roms d'Europe de l'Est. Ed. Claire Auzias. Paris: Institut de l'enfance et de la famille, 1993. 113 p. (IDEF 3)

Fienbork, Gundula; Brigitte Mihók; Stephan Müller: Die Roma – Hoffen auf ein Leben ohne Angst. Roma aus Osteuropa berichten. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag 1992.

Fonseca, Isabel: Among the Gypsies. – New Yorker, 71 (1995) 29, 84-95

Fraser, Angus M.: The Gypsies. Oxford; Cambridge, MA: Blackwell 1992. IX, 359 p. 5 maps, 48 tabs. (The peoples of Europa)

Gheorghe, Nicolae: Roma-Gypsy ethnicity in Eastern Europe.– Social Research, 58. (1991) 829-844.

Gronemeyer, Reimer: Zigeuner in Osteuropa. E. Bibliogr. zu d. Ländern Polen, Tschechoslowakei u. Ungarn mit e. Anh. über ältere sowjet. Literatur. München; New York; London: Saur 1983. 280 p.

The gypsies in Eastern Europe. [ed. in chief Henry R. Huttenbach]. New York: Association for the Study of the Nationalities of the USSR and Eastern Europe 1991. V, p. 251-439 tabs. (Nationalities papers. XIX, 3, 1991 : Special issue)

The Gypsies in Eastern Europe. Ed. by David Crowe and John Kolsti. With an introd. by Ian Hancock. Armonk, NY ; London: Sharpe 1991. VI, 194 p.

Gypsies in Hungary. – World Press Review, 40 (1993) 10, 35-43.

Hancock, I.: The roots of inequality. Romani cultural rights in their historical and social context. – Immigrants and Minorities, 11. (1992), 3-20.

Hancock, Ian: The East European roots of Romani nationalism. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk; London 1991. 133-150.

Hancock, Ian: The Pariah syndrom. An account of Gypsy slavery and persecution. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Karoma Publ. 1988. XII, 180 p., ill.

Helleiner, Jane: Gypsies, Celts and tinkers. Colonial antecedents of anti-traveller racism in Ireland. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18 (1995) 3, 532-554.

Hénard, Jaqueline: Von Zigeunern und Menschen. – Transit, 5 (1992/93) 150-158.

Hohman, Joachim Stephan: Neue deutsche Zigeunerbibliographie. Unter Berücksichtigung aller Jahrgange des Journals of the Gypsy Lore Society. Frankfurt a.M.; New York: Lang 1992. 259 p. ill. (Studien zur Tsiganologie und Folklorsitik. 8.)

Huber, Konrad J.: The Roma. Group identity, political activism and policy response in post-1989-Europe. – Helsinki Monitor, 4. (1993) 3.

Ionescu, Dan: Violence against Gypsies escalates. – Rep. East. Europe, 2 (1991) 25, 23-26.

Kaldi, Leita: Gypsies and Jews: Chosen people. In: Toward the understanding and prevention of genocide : Proceedings : International Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide. Ed. Israel W. Charny. Boulder, COL 1984. 113-118.

Kaminski, Ignacy-Marek: The state of ambiguity. Studies of gypsy refugees. 1980.

Kolsti, John: Albanian Gypsies. The silent survivors. In: The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Ed. by David Crowe and John Kolsti. Almonk, N.Y. 1991. 51-60.

Köhler, Thilo: Die Roma im östlichen Mitteleuropa. In: Minderheiten im östlichen Mitteleuropa: Deutsche und Europäische Optionen. Hrsg. von Dieter W. Bricke. Ebenhausen 1994. 187-192.

Ladanyi, Janos: Discrimination ethnique et auto-protection. Le cas des Tsiganes à Miskolc. – Espaces et Sociétés, 64 (1991) 113-127.

Liégeois, J.-P.: Les institutions européennes et les tsiganes. In: Vers une nouvelle Europe? Bruxelles 1992. 337-344.

Liégeois, Jean-Pierre: Tsiganes et voyageurs. Strasbourg: Conseil de l'Europe 1986. 232 p.

Liégeois, Jean-Pierre; Nicolae Gheorghe: Roma/Gypsies. A European minority. London: Minority Rights Group 1995. 38 p. Ill.

Lockwood, William G.: Balkan gypsies. An introduction. In: Papers from the 4th and 5th Annual Meetings. Gypsy Lore Society, North America Chapter. Ed. by Joanne Grumet. New York 1985. 91-99.

Lockwood, William G.: East European gypsies in Western Europe. The social and cultural adaption of the Xoraxane. – Nomadic Peoples, 21/22 (1986) 63-70.

Marne, Philippe de: Un project et une mémoire. Roumanie, avril 1990. – Etudes. Tsiganes, 2 (1990) 3-27.

Melagg, William O.: Cigánypolitika Magyarországon és Csehszlovákiában 1945-1989. [ Gypsy policy in Hugary and Czechoslovakia 1945-1989.] – Világosság, 32 (1991) 7/8, 547-560.

Neier, Aryen: Watching rights. – Nation, 260 (1995) 17, 587. (Comments on the rising tide of violence against the Roma (Gypsies) in Central and Eastern Europe. )

Poulton, Hugh: The Roma in Macedonia. A Balkan success story? – RFE/RL Research Report, 2 (1993) 19, 42-45.

Puxon, Grattan: Roma heute – Zur Situation d. europ. Zigeuner. In: In Auschwitz vergast, bis heute verfolgt : Zur Situation d. Roma in Deutschland u. Europa. Hrsg. v. Tilman Zülch für d. "Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker". Reinbek b. Hamburg 1979. 29-64.

Puxon, Grattan: Roma. Europe's Gypsies. 4. ed. London: Minority Rights Group 1987. 15 p. ill. (The Minority Rights Group. Report. No. 14)

Rakelman, Georgia A.: Die Migration osteuropäischer Zigeuner nach Westeuropa. – EthnosNation, 2 (1994) 2, 19-28.

Ramati, Alexander: And the violins stopped playing. A story of the Gypsy holocaust. New York: Watts 1986. 236 p.

Razvitak Roma u Jugoslaviji. Problemi i tendencije. Zbornik radova sa nauènog skupa odr¾anog 12. i 13. januara 1989. godine = The Gypsies in Jugoslavia : Problems and tendencies. Ured. Milo¹ Macura : Proceedings of the scientific conferences held from January 12 to 13, 1989. Beograd: Srpska Akad. Nauka i Umetnosti 1992. VIII, 235 p. tabs. (Srpska Dru¹tvenih Nauka, Komisija za Prouèavanje ®ivota i Obièaja Roma. Knj. 1)

Reemtsma, Karin: Roma in Jugoslawien. Minderheiten-Report. Bonn: Zentrale Dokumentationsstelle d. Freien Wohlfahrtspflege für Flüchtlinge 1990. 61 p. (ZDWF-Schriftenreihe. 37) (Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker e.V.)

Reemtsma, Katrin: Zur Lage der Roma in Südosteuropa nach der "großen Wende". In: Nationalismen im Umbruch. Hrsg. von Magarditsch A. Hatschikjan, Peter R. Weilemann. Köln 1995. 153-169.

Remmel, Franz: Die Roma Rumäniens. Volk ohne Hinterland. Red. bearb. u. mit e. Nachw. von Renate E. Erich. Wien: Picus Verlag 1993. 240 p.

Révész, László: Zigeunerprobleme in Ostmitteleuropa. – Ders.: Minderheitenschicksal in den Nachfolgestaaten der Donaumonarchie. Wien 1990. 429-453.

Reyniers, A.: Les tsiganes ballottes travers l'Europe. – Le Monde Diplomatique, 38. (1993) 468, 6-7.

Rochas, Marie-Thérèse: Les Tsiganes yougoslaves. – Étude Tsiganes, 30 (1984) 2, 29-37. ill.

Roma. Das unbekannte Volk; Schicksal und. Kultur. Hrsg. von Mozes F. Heinschink und. Ursula Hemetek für den Verein Romano Centro, Wien. Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 1994. 206 p. ill.

Scapegoats. – Canada & the World Backgrounder, 60 (1994) 1, 16-20. (Reports that there has been a resurgence of racism against Gypsies across Eastern Europe.)

Sebkova, Hana: Camarade tzigane – Communications, 55 (1992) 187-195. (L'Est: les mythes et le reste)

Sebkova, Hana; Edita Zlnayova; Milena Hubschmannova: Fragments tziganes. Paris: Lierre et Coudrier 1991. 160 p. (Collection: Chemins d' ailleurs)

Seewann, Gerhard: Zigeuner in Ungarn. In: Nationalitätenprobleme in Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Roland Schönfeld. München 1987. 165-180.

Sewering-Wollanek, Marlis: Die Roma in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. In: Volksgruppen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa. Hrsg. von Georg Brunner und Hans Lemberg. München 1994. 253-263.

Sonneman, T.F .: Old hatreds in the new Europe: Roma after the revolutions. -Tikkun, 7 (1992) 1, 49-52.

Struggling for ethnic identity: Czechoslovakia's endangered Gypsies. New York: Helsinki Watch Report 1992. 153 p.

Szuhay, Péter: Who is a man? The 1992 "ethnic war" at Kétegyháza. - Regio, (1995) 127-153. (Special English language issue)

Terre d'asile, terre d'exil: l'Europe Tsigane. – Ethnies, 15 (1993)

Tomova, Ilona: The Gypsies in the transition period. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations 1995. 144 p.

Tong, Diane: Gypsies. A selected bibliography. Central and Eastern Europe. – Nationalities Papers, 19 (1991) 3, 413-427.

Trumpener, Katie: The time of the Gypsies. A 'people without history' in the narratives of the West. – Critical Inquiry, 18 (1992) 4, 843-884.

Tsiganes d'Europe. Circulation et enracinement. – Études Tsiganes, (1993) 1.

Tsiganes, identité, évolution. Actes du colloque pour le 30. anniversaire des Etudes tsiganes. Textes réunis et présentés par Patrick Williams. Paris: Syros Alternatives, Etudes Tsiganes 1989. 534 p.

Tucker, Aviezer: The new Jews. -Telos, (1993-1994) 98-99, 209-217. (Comments on the traditional ethnic scapegoat role of the Romany (Gypsy) population in the former Soviet bloc.)

Turgeon, Lynn: Discrimination against and affirmative action for gypsies in Eastern Europe. In: The political economy of ethnic discrimination and affirmative action. A comparative perspective. Ed. by Michael L. Wyzan. New York 1990. 155-165.

War on Gypsies. – World Press Review, 41 (1994) 1, 28-31. (Gypsies are under attack all over Eastern Europe.)

Zamfir, Catalin; Elena Zamfir: The Romani population. Bucurest: Unicef-Institut de la qualité de la vie, 1993.

Zang, Theodore Jr.: Destroying ethnic identity: The Gypsies of Bulgaria. New York: Helsinki Watch Committee 1991. 73 p. (Helsinki Watch Report)

Ethnic conflicts in Asia

Ahmed, Akbar: The history-thieves: Stealing the Muslim past? – History Today, 43 (1993) 11-13.

Ahmed, Ishtiaq: Ethnicity and separatist movements in South Asia. In: Ethnicity and nationalism. Formation identity and dynamics of conflict in the 1990s. Ed. by Helena Lindholm. Göteborg 1993 93-131.

Barua, Pradeep P.: Ethnic conflict in the military of developing nations: A comparative analysis of India and Nigeria. – Armed Forces and Society, 19 (1992) 1, 123-137.

Bose, Sumantra: State crises and nationalities conflict in Sri Lanka and Yugoslavia. – Comparative Political Studies, 28 (1995) 1, 87-116.

Bose, Sumantra: State, nations, sovereignity. Sri Lanka, India and the Tamil Eelam Movement. London: Sage 1994. 236 p.

Das, Veena: Introduction. Communities, riots, survivors – The South Asian experience. In: Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi 1990. 1-36.

Das, Veena: Our work to cry: your work to listen. In: Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi 1990. 345-398.

Dissanayaka, T. D. S. A: The dilemma of Sri Lanka. An in-depth account of the current ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Colombo: Swastika (Pvt.) Ltd. 1993. 152 p. ill.

Engineer, Asghar Ali: Communalism and communal violence in India. An analytical approach to Hindu-Muslim conflict. Delhi: Ajanta Publications 1989. 334 p.

Ethnic conflict in South Asia. Ed. by Asghar Ali Engineer. Delhi: Ajanta Publications 1987. IV, 223 p. ill.

Ethnicity, cooperation, and conflict in eastern Himalayas Ed. by A.B. Saran, Makhan Jha. Varanasi, India: Kishor Vidya Niketan, 1989. VII, 82 p.

Exploring confrontations. Sri Lanka: politics, history and culture. Ed. by Michael Roberts. Reading: Harrwood Academic Publishers

Greenberg, Richard.: No island is an island anymore. International ramifications of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Genève: Institut universitaire de hautes d'etudes internationales, 1986. 175 p. ill.

Hennayake, S. K.: Sri Lanka in 1992. Opportunity missed in the ethno-nationalist crises.- Asian Survey, 23 (1993) 2, 157-164.

Holt, John Clifford: Toward a theory of ritual and violence. The recent Sinhala experience. – The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, 27-28 (1991-1992) 1-2, 65-74.

Internal conflicts in South Asia. Ed. by Kumar Rupesinghe and Khawar Mumtaz. Oslo: International Peace Research Institute; London: Sage 1995. 256 p.

Jeffrey, Robin: What's happening to India? Punjab, ethnic conflict, Mrs. Gandhi's death, and the test for federalism. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. XVIII, 249 p. ill.

Kearney, Robert: Territorial elements of Tamil separatism in Sri Lanka – Pacific Affairs, 60 (1987-88) 4, 561-577.

Kennedy, Charles H.: Managing ethnic conflict: the case of Pakistan. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 123-143.

Kumòara, Braja Bihòaròi: Tension and conflict in North-east India. New Delhi: Cosmo Publications 1995. 151 p.

Manogaran, Chelvadurai: Ethnic conflict and reconciliation in Sri Lanka. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, 1987. XIV, 232 p. ill.

Menon, Dilip M.: Becoming "Hindu" and "Muslim" [microform]. Identity and conflict in Malabar. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: Centre for Development Studies, 1994. 27 p. (Working papers / Centre for Development Studies. 255)

Mirrors of violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia. Ed. by Veena Das. New Delhi: Oxford University Press 1990.

Muni, S. D.: Pangs of proximity. India and Sri Lanka's ethnic crisis. London: Sage 1993. 260 p.

Nag, Sajal: Roots of ethnic conflict. Nationality question in North-East India. New Delhi : Manohar Publications, 1990. XVII, 193 p.

Nobuto, Yamamoto: Ethnic conflict in a rich region. Government policy and the Punjab problem. – The Journal of International Studies, [ Tokyo] 32 (1994) 43-72.

Olsen, Bendigt: The Sri Lanka conflict. A study of elite perceptions. Bergen, Norway: Chr. Michelsen Institute Development Research and Action Programme, [1989] VIII, 269 p. ill. maps. (DERAP publications = DERAP publikasjoner. 251)

Palanithurai, Ganapathy: Management of ethnic conflict in India and Canada. A comparative analysis. Delhi: Kanishka Publishers Distributors, 1993. IX, 147 p.

Political transition in South Asia. Regional cooperation, ethnic conflict, political participation. Ed. by Dagmar Bernstorff, Dieter Braun. Stuttgart: F. Steiner 1991. XVI, 168 p. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung. Bd. 137)

Political transition in South Asia. Regional cooperation, ethnic conflict, political participation. Ed. by Dagmar Bernstorff, Dieter Braun. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1991. XVI, 168 p. (Beiträge zur Südasienforschung. 137)

Price, P.: Democracy and ethnic conflict in India: precolonial legacies in Tamil Nadu. – Asian Survey, 33 (1993) 5, 493-506.

Price, Pamela: Democracy and ethnic conflict in India. – Asian Survey, 33 (1993) 5, 493-506.

Problems of democracy, constitutionalism, political violence. Ed. by Ulrich Everding Colombo: Goethe-Institut; Colombo Law Society Trust 1994.

Rao, P. V. Narasimha: India will not go fanatical. – New Perspectives Quarterly, 11 (1994) 2, 38-40.

Rogers, John D.: Crime, justice and society in colonial Sri Lanka. London: Curzon 1987. X, 271 p. (London Studies on South Asia 5.)

Rogers, John D.: Post-Orientalism and the interpretation of pre-modern and modern political identities: The case of Sri Lanka. – Journal of Asian Studies, 53 (1994) 1, 3-16.

Rupesinghe, Kumar; Berth Verstappen: Ethnic conflict and human rights in Sri Lanka. An annotated bibliography. London: H. Zell, 1989-1993 v. 1-2. map.

Sazawal, Vijay K.: A Kashmiri perspective II. – Asian Affairs: An American Review 22 (1995) 1, 28-33.

Schwartzberg, Joseph E.: An American perspective II. – Asian Affairs: An American Review, 22 (1995) 1, 71-87. 1 chart, 2 graphs, 5 maps. (Presents an American perspective on the Kashmir problem.)

Silva, K.M. de; Pensri Duke; Ellen S. Goldberg; Nathan Katz: Ethnic conflict in Buddhist societies: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma. London: Pinter 1988. VI, 220 p.

Singh, Gurharpal: The Punjab crisis since 1984: A reassessment. – Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18 (1995) 3, 476-493. 1 chart.

Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict. Myths and reality. Colombo: Marga Institute 1983.

Sri Lanka's Provincial Council System. – Asian Survey, 32 (1992) 8, 723-743.

Sri Lanka's Tamil-Sinhalese ethnic conflict. – Asian Survey, 32 (1992) 8, 712-722.

Sri Lanka, the ethnic conflict. Myths, realities & perspectives. New Delhi : Navrang, 1984. 277 p.

Sri Lanka. History and the roots of conflict. Ed. by Jonathan Spencer. London: Routledge, 1990. XII, 253 p.

Sri Lanka: Problems of governance. Ed. by K. M. de Silva. Kandy: International Centre for Ethnic Studies; New Delhi: Konark Publishers 1993. 425 p.

Srivastava, Shalini: Strange bedfellows. – Harvard International Review, 17 (1994/95) 1, 52-55.

Swan, Bernard: Peace and conflict in a poor country, Sri Lanka. An introduction. Canberra, Australia : Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1986. III, 62 p. ill. (Occasional paper / Australian Institute of International Affairs. 3)

Tambiah, Stanley J.: Reflections on communal violence in South Asia. – The Journal of Asian Studies, 49 (1990) 4, 741-761.

Tambiah, Stanley J.: Sri Lanka. Ethnic fracticide and the dismantling of democracy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1986.

Vanniasingham, Somasundaram: Sri Lanka, the conflict within. New Delhi: Lancer, 1988. XII, 200 p.

Whittington, Sherrill: Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Background, recent developments, and the prospects for resolution [Australia] : Dept. of the Parliamentary Library, 1987. 43 p. maps. (Current issues paper / Legislative Research Service 3.)

Wilson, A. Jeyaratnam. The break-up of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese-Tamil conflict. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1988. XIII, 240 p. maps.

Wilson, Jeyaratnam A.: Ethnic strife in Sri Lanka. The politcs of space. In: The territorial management of ethnic conflict. Ed. by John Coakley. London 1993. 144-169.